.General Cloakat Information

Created: 13 October 2023, 12:47:17 CDDT
Last updated: 2 July 2024, 14:16:04 CDDT

 What are Cloakat?
Cloakat (Pronounced Cloh-Kat, which is a derivative of the words Cloak and Bat) is a species of monster that is very bat-like in facial qualities and some other physical qualities. They have stretchy rubber-like arms with claws at their tips. They live together on a huge offset island named "Moonset Island", which is filled with 1000+ year old redwood/sequoias, and are watched over by their leader, The Elder Bat.

They are a high-energy rambunctious species that love to have fun. They can float and fly among many different powers. Their appearance and "cloaks" can change according to their interests during their early 20's. Note that these "cloaks" appear as clothes and are not removable as they are part of the bat! The Cloakats love to socialize and play-fight with one another and live as a general community together. While they have very odd proportions favoring weight in the arms and tail, they are rather light and very small, but incredibly powerful and generally very quick.

Cloakats (cloak+bat basically; cloh-kat or Cloak-at)

 Origin of Species:

Cloakats are a species coming from a story referred to as "Cities End" This story was first coined in 2008 with many different created species along the way. The first of its species origin was made in 2015 in the forms of #1 Pop, and #2, Comet (Owners bat and their BFFs bat) in the form of One-Offs. Then revitalized in May 2021 with Cloakat #0 The Elder Bat. The Elder Bat was revamped once more in late 2021 before the creator had an idea to make a community for others to join and make their own unique bat creatures. (I found out about what closed species were in late 2021 after revamping The Elder Bat, basically)

From New Year 2022-June 2022 finalizations of the closed species' alpha stage were made before getting publicly released in June 2022 with a starting total of 20 Cloakat!


 Anatomy Inspiration:

General: Cloakats as a species were vastly inspired by Pokemon, and is also why Cloakats, a bat-inspired species, has no eyes. This comes from being inspired by the Pokemon Zubat.

Arms:  Cloakats large arms are loosely inspired by the Bandersnatch enemy from Resident Evil: Code Veronica X, as these enemies also have stretchy muscular arms with claws at their tips. While the claws were partly based on Pokemon like the Sneasel line or the arms of Lugia could be comparable as well. The arms in general are a drawing quirk I've always generally had, the species specifically got their inspiration from the way I drew these "living scarves" from my own story, Cities End, which is actually intertwined with the species!

Cloaks: The growable "cloak" and hood of the Cloakat is derived from the Pokemon, Scrafty, and is not removable from the Cloakat as it IS their skin. I've generally always had a nack for hoodies when drawing clothes so it's a fun default. If you check my art of characters in my TH "Cities End" folder as well as perhaps early DA OC art from the same series, I've always just liked hoodies on characters.

Other: Other proportions come from the creator's personal tastes that they tend to carry in their taste in monsters.


Please don't assume I'm taking other CS concepts, I created Cloakats before I knew what CS was, and I dont mean this in the "child trying to cover themselves" kind of way either. I legitimately only started learning about other species AFTER making my species, who of which came from my own personal story. I'm strictly not an off-brander, Just someone with an unfortunately similar popular interest in certain anatomy that CS seems to have a lot. I'm not out to make enemies, so please don't assume I'm "stealing others' ideas". Please.


 Cloakat Lore Preface:

Cloakats are one of the many mysterious hybrid monster species in the world of Cities End that seem to have evolved from a bat at its base. They seem to sport a cloth-like cloak, similar to other living material-like monsters, but this one seems to be a part of their body. They seem to be more or less protected on the safety of their offset island, Moonset Island, which has their leader, The Elder Bat, at its helm. While not many other societal or humanoid species live at this location with Cloakat and their native flora and fauna, many DO pass through as the island meets between many large and important continents who seem to be having some ongoing war.

Cloakats themselves seem to have come a few centuries along a more primitive lifestyle, more recently getting into modern-day technology on their island, making the visuals of their island's architecture seem like a mix of ancient and modern architectural styles. Their Island itself seems to harbor a big secret that The Elder Bat only knows, and the Cloakat under him seem to help protect whatever it is without question. They all seem to have a fascination with the naturally occurring pillars of crystal minerals that spire out of their island and have gone so far as to make it part of their everyday lives as well as currency. Creatures named Distortions seem to wash up on their island, if not fly over the island, seemingly wanting these crystals in particular, so the Cloakat have to always be on their feet for these attacks as Distortions are vicious beasts, well known for having no humanity nor mercy for its victims. Cloakats often fight, spar, and practice with each other under the request of The Elder Bat to keep these Distortions at bay, as even with them being a secluded island, they are never safe.

Cloakats often do wander outside of their island, picking up their roots and leaving elsewhere, but they always generally return to the island eventually. Some say it's just the energy that the island gives off that keeps them coming back as they seemingly get a bit weaker as they stay further away from their homelands. Cloakats also seem to have a lot of missing passages of history in their records as well, making Cloakat curious about their actual origins. Most of the elders around the 70-200 year bracket also seem to have missing gaps in their memory and no one knows why there is a mass hysteria of missing memory with all of the bats who are older in age. This memory loss also seems line up with the great terror that happened with the Moonshatter Isles roughly 70 years ago, and it wouldn't be too far-fetched that something so horrific would seemingly conveniently get wiped from history completely. This again makes Cloakat super curious about what exactly their species and island might be hiding as the Moonshatter Isles seem to also conveniently be off-limits as well.

Join us in our search of mystery, battle, and curiosity as we go on an adventure to unravel all of this hidden history of the Cloakat species!


 General Anatomy and Guidelines of Cloakats:

Eye - They do not have eyes on their head, ever. Other parts of the body NOT on the head may rarely sport eye. Eyes are generally not needed as they use chittering and sonar to see their surroundings, they can see clearly as if they had eyes in a cartoonish magic manner of explanation. They can essentially sense and see all of their surroundings by hearing/ultrasound and senses that Cloakat naturally have. As a verbal language, they sound more or less like an Animal Crossing Villager.

Noses - They generally do not have visible noses but can smell through a gland in the top of their mouth. Some Cloakat can commonly form bat-related noses, however.

Ears - They can have different ear shapes, but often have very large Flying Fox Bat ears by default. All Cloakat ears are to be inspired by real-life bat ears or a cartoon variant and CANNOT be cat-inspired among other animal ears. These are always bald on their insides with a ribbed texture.

Legs - Their legs are generally very small with smaller claws; they rely a lot on their mobility on their arms for things like swinging and climbing. Their legs are generally rubber hose-like most of the time, but can also have a larger thick or beefier build. They can have connected claw feet or talon-like claws (like their hands) on them. They have 3 total claws on their feet, no more, no less. They are always plantigrade and NEVER digitigrade OR cat-like in looks. Always claw-like. They do NOT have dew claws.

Arms - Something funny to think about, generally when running, their arms can sometimes wave and flail behind them like a scarf in the wind, making for a quite humorous sight. If they don't let their arms flail or drag behind them, they will MOST often have them held up delicately to keep out of the way. They will more often than not fly, however, so seeing them on the ground walking rather than floating is rare. Claws always stay consistent at 3 + 1 thumb claw (Never 5 total, but sometimes less if due to an accident). The Cloakat's arms are generally as long as their height or about 1-2ft more. They will almost always drag on the floor in some way. The arms can generally stretch around 4-10x their own body size, much like a sticky slap hand would. The longer the stretch, the harder it is on their arms. The arms are thick and huge and are NOT humanly proportional, nor do they have visible muscle/bone shapes when being drawn.

Body - Their bodies are a default "bean" shape, but other shapes are fine as well as long you stick with the Cloakat propositions as a whole. Beefy, busty (no breasts), or thick is totally fine!

Tails - Often fat and chunky with a slightly rounded tapering tip by default, but traits can vary. These tails are also proportionally 1.5-2x longer than their total height and is generally very plush/squishy. They are rarely smaller than the Cloakat's total body height and the Cloakat will often use their tail to sit on or wrap up in it to cuddle while sleeping.

Sometimes Cloakats can have a combo of traits that may make them look more humanoid in appearance as well. This is most notable when their ears lay on the sides of their head rather than the top, and this is totally fine. Just never make them too cat-like, please!


 Pronouns and Gender:

General gender neutral names and terms/pronouns:
Cloakat, Cloakats, Cloakat's, Bat, Bats, Bat's, They/They, and It/Its by default.
Are all gender-neutral default ways to acknowledge one or more Cloakat species.

Cloakat can embrace any pronouns they feel. Gender norms do not exist in their society, and they do not weaponize pronouns as humans often do.
They will use gender-neutral terms until given their pronouns naturally/formally or if they ask. It is customary to ask one's pronouns when getting to know one another.
You are welcome to give your Cloakat any gender or pronoun you please, the previously mentioned are just suggested default pronouns.
They are not cat/feline and are not to be called Kats/Cats unless the Cloakat asks for this or is cat themed. Cloakat's are bat-derived by nature.


 Age Information and Life Stages:


Generally, Cloakat will live to be roughly 150-200 years old.

Cloakat are born live and held in the mother's pouch for the first 2-3 months until they are old enough to eat solid food and form their teeth fully.
They are considered full adults after 25 years of age.
Their cloaks can sometimes change just a little over time after becoming an adult, but they will generally stick with the same interest/job for the rest of their lives.
At about 150, they are considered a senior and very rarely live past 200.

Names for age ranges:
Pup - ages 0 to 9
Cloakid - Ages 10 to 17
Cloakat - 18 and over

Info on Cloakat offspring (General):
To get it out of the way, yes the species can reproduce, I will not go into details of genitals to keep the species PG-13.
Cloakat do not always seek partners just for the purpose of reproducing, they're more of social creatures who favor a partner for companionship and can commonly form poly relationships (If wanted) due to their overall loving natures. A lot of times they WILL, however, get together with others of the same or close interest.
Cloakat are mammals and carry their pups in the pouch of their cloak. If their cloak does not have one externally, they generally will have a pouch under/inside their cloak to conceal their pups in.
When giving birth, they almost always only have one pup at a time, but can rarely have twins. The Pup clings to one of the parents or stays inside their pouch for the first roughly 3 months of their lives.
Any gender of Cloakat can have an internal or external pouch. This trait is not bound to the birthing Cloakat. We will not allow the discussion or sharing of art related to Cloakats mating in our social spaces to keep it PG-13.
The selling of MYO slots is restricted to Cloakat's that are 20+ as to keep "weirdos" away. You are Not allowed to make an underaged Cloakat, both due to this rule and because their cloak won't be fully grown in until they are at LEAST 18.

Pup to Cloakid Range:
Cloakat do not have their cloaks for the first few years of their lives as they learn how to basically exist and will take anywhere between ages 5 (sometimes rarely 4) and 15 to form their base cloaks. Before this, they have very small noodle-y arms, much like their legs with rather small claws. They're born muter colored, if not monotone, and then as they form a passion or interest, they grow a sort of "cloak" and change color to something sort of vibes with their aesthetic/interest/passion/career that they genuinely truly enjoy. These cloaks seem like clothes but grow almost like a butterfly's wings like how they start out shriveled and then fluff out, or like a lizard's molt or something. Their cloaks grow in as arms first over a quick period of time. This starts to elongate and thicken their arms to their more notable form of arms first. The rest of the cloak/cape/hood-like structures of the cloak grow like a butterfly's wings with time. This is considered their "teen" years where the cloak might be awkward and they can sometimes be bullied by other Cloakat as their cloaks form and change.

Cloakid and general cloak info:
The initial cloak they start to form between 15 and 20 are generally non-decorated and slowly changes with time, then being fully decorated with their passion/interest/career by 20-25 area. A Cloakat will Very Rarely form their decorated cloak between 18-20 as well but is nearly unheard of. Cloakat's cloaks/sleeves/hoods are Not removable. Some Cloakat's cloaks near their torso or the end of the sleeves can be lifted, but are attached to their body and cannot be removed once formed.

Note: Cloakats you buy or make CANNOT be under the age of 18. This will help prevent Weirdos from doing Weird things if they adopt/make one. Plus, cloaks only fully grow in around this age.
This is also the generally minimum age they form their adult cloaks, so a decorated Cloakat will ALWAYS be Of Age.

Cloakat Death and Afterlife:
Burial arrangements depend on the deceased. The arrangement is usually made accordingly to honor their interest or by request on how they would like their body to serve after death.
If a Cloakat is killed under certain circumstances, they can be reborn/reanimated or be considered "undead" with traits "Stitched", "Ghost", Ecto-Bone", or "Skeletal Remains".
This essentially brings the Cloakat back to life and can often change the outfit, if not just the colors of the outfit. By default, the skin typing/skin tone is changed upon their "false death".
A lot of Cloakat can be reborn with certain kinds of shackles, whether it's normal, divine, or distortion shackles. The latter two are only upon harsh crimes during their lives. The shackles can be applied to hold a soul to a certain location or bind their powers if they were too strong or used for evil during life.
Their elemental abilities and powers can chance upon death too.


 Height and Weight:

They range from 1'0"ft to 5'0ft without their ears/horns etc. with an arm span of roughly 2 times the size of their height at their natural length. They will only Very Rarely exceed this maximum height.
Side note: The arms are generally 1.5-2x their height and can stretch to a length of 4 to 10 times their height. The longer the stretch, the harder it is on their arms.

Generally, Cloakats are very small and can range from 30-90 LBS on average. This weight is generally for a standard flesh-derived Cloakat and most of the mass is in their muscular fatty arms and their fatty buoyant tail.
They can weigh More or Less than this general weight if they are made of or sport certain materials. For instance, if they have a cloud elemental tail, they could be lighter. Or if they have rock elemental arms, they can be much heavier.



Cloakats are either Omnivorous or Pescatarian by default if they aren't an oddball dieter.

They are very high-energy creatures and are often gluttonous as they need a lot of energy to use their powers, float, fly, or even lift their large arms. They have a very wide diet pre-cloak, but as they form an interest and their cloak forms, their diet can change too. The diets of a Cloakat after forming their adult cloaks are very ranged from omnivorous, pescatarian, carnivorous, herbivorous, or even oddball diets with time (technically Pica, but is normal for Cloakats who form the correct digestive stomach to consume their diet). Some can even diet off of gases, minerals, filter-feeding, photosynthesis, etc.



 RPG Mechanics and Fighting:

Cloakat love to play-fight with each other. They can rarely regrow parts of their body like limbs and their tail, but this takes a long time to regenerate. Sometimes senses and nerves can be damaged, so there's always a small possibility that a returning arm might have some sort of numbness, etc. Their innards/meat is dependent on their skin tone, if you hypothetically cut one's tail off who has a purple and white marbled tone, the muscle and fat might generally also be purple and/or whiter in tone. The blood of a Cloakat is most commonly purple or red. There is no hierarchy based on blood.

Cloakats are built full of muscular arms and sport tough claws, strong cloaks comparable to kevlar, and sharp teeth made for fighting. They can sometimes come under attack by waves of creatures named Distortions (Ashborn and Ashfallen) from time to time, this is the biggest threat to their little island. They will also hunt animals by hand or with tools, but maintain a certain amount of hunting so as to not vastly reduce the population of their island's native wildlife.

Cloakat often have playfights with each other, or slightly more serious practice fights/sparring during their monthly festivals, with the Festival of Power being their biggest test of strength once a year. They maintain being fight-fit so they can overcome their rare battles with distortions. The Elder Bat observes these battles closely and helps teach individuals how to better hone their powers and protect themselves as he observes their strengths and weaknesses.

Cloakat RPG Stats and Classes:
Cloakats have RPG-like classes, generally when an adopt is sold or a MYO is made, if we are not explicitly given an RPG class, your Cloakat will be "assigned" one by default as this is a pre-setup for a future activity for Cloakats to do.

View more information about this system here:

- About Weapons
- About Armor and Trinkets
- Character RPG Classes
- Cloakat Levels: Check your Cloakats levels here, to see their stats, go to your Cloaakts page and hit the STATS button.
- User/Player Levels: You can gain EXP and levels by completing festival activities and prompts. Hitting a specific level will also yield rewards. Click your own profile, then click LEVEL LOG to see your progress.