General Links

Created: 15 November 2023, 04:02:28 CST
Last updated: 6 October 2024, 20:05:13 EDT

Here is a list of general locations on the site that might be of interest that AREN'T activity-based.

Companion Info: All currently available pets for the species. Some information might not be filled out intentionally, as the pets in question might not be released yet.

Currency info: Currency info and how to get them + What They Do

Character Categories: On the masterlist, many characters will have specific "tags", or Character Categories, this link will explain what each means.

Cloakat Masterlist:
A list of all currently approved and existing Cloakats.

Cloakat Species Traits: A visual based library of Cloakat traits you can add to your Cloakat! Please click the image of each trait to review information on each trait in question.

Items: This is a list of all currently available items on the site, please feel free to utilize the "ANY CATEGORY" dropdown to review smaller specific lists of items if you are interested in any specific item type and its explanation.

Map: A general map and detailed information on each area on Moonset Island. In the settings of the Cloakats you own, you can also set where they live as well.

Our Community: A list of member currently on the site.

Shops: A list of shops you can spend your virtual currency at. Each shop is unique and might have unique stock or currency it takes specifically. Read the currency link in this area to see how to acquire specific currencies to spend here!

Species Info: A General rundown of all basic Cloakat information

Additionally, please be sure to go to your profile to review a lot more personal things you can look at via the left side banner on your profile. Here are some notable links you can find on your profile!
- Your Characters
- Your "opened" MYO slots.
- Your Inventory

Please be sure to look at this link if you'd like to see the activity links specifically: