Profile MYO-104: Queen Berry
Owned by KrissySempaiArt
Image #177

(Please  Reference for Powers)

 Ice Based

(( Can turn anything edible in to ice cream with her freezing abilities! Not too cold to do much damage to others though, and the ice cream isn’t always … delicious. ))

 Thematical Powers

(( Can sing a song similar to that of a classic ice cream van, as a job as an ice cream maker, while it’s not insanely loud, all the Cloakats know when Queen Berry is in town ready to serve some sweets! ))

 Mental/Psychological Based 

(( Only ever uses such powers for goods, many Cloakats find her cheerful personality enchanting, and always feel better after interacting with her. Some say it’s the happy-go lucky lady, her delicious ice cream, or maybe even something a little mysterious that hides under the surface! Either way, she always seems to make herself and others happy without much effort. ))
