Festival Activity - Festival Prompt

Created: 17 May 2024, 04:13:05 CDDT
Last updated: 1 September 2024, 22:13:48 CDDT

The Festival of Fall 2024

Drawing/Writing Prompt:

The weather seems to be getting a little colder, and while the island's foliage is still a little confused on if it should stay or go, it's clear that the colors are starting to shift in preparation for the cooler weather. As the forest floors start to slowly become littered with leaves, it makes stealth by foot much harder. Cloakat are now floating and flying a bit more than they usually do, as to not disturb the wildlife too terribly much. There seems to be some disturbances and reports of some form of monsters appearing more than usual in Hellabore Hamlet, The Elder Bat has issued non-combat Cloakats to head warning and either board up or remove themselves from the affected area until they can get a team of Cloakat out to the area to help those currently battling in the area.

There's been wind of an issue cropping up around the world that's made its way to Moonset Island a while back, but it's been getting worse lately. Waves of these- creatures that show up from time to time, plaguing local flora and fauna of areas. After it hits an area, it seemingly is impossible to deal with and keep down once affected. The Elder Bat seems to generally dispatch specific squads of Cloakats out to take care of these creatures, but from time to time, Cloakats have no choice but to fight as well until backup has arrived. They seem to target anything they deem valuable, mostly targeting any living breathing creature. Often, they will learn and adapt to their opponent's moves, so keeping yourself unpredictable is probably the best move for now. Some seem to be less intelligent than others, and these ones will often look more- odd in appearance. They seem to almost mimic creatures around them, but aren't quite- right. The Festival of Fall will have to wait with this current issue popping up around so many areas. First Thistle Townlet, now Hellabore Hamlet?

Draw or write about a story of your Cloakat fighting what you'd imagine this creature to look like based on the description. Please be sure to utilize the map below to get a general vibe of the local area it's currently affecting (Hellabore Hamlet)

Moonset Island Map


Overall Information and/or Requirements:

- You have until the end of the month to turn in your prompt, so feel free to draw this at your leisure if you choose to do so.
- Either prompt via drawing or writing form is totally optional.
- The first to submit the prompt will get a "First to complete" Bonus.
- You will be granted one (1) festival ticket once per each month's prompt of this type completed

- Completing and turning in multiples of this prompt can grant you more gratitude shards, but will not grant you multiple festival tickets.
- If you don't have a Cloakat to participate with, you're more than welcome to utilize an NPC to do a prompt, so long as the Prompt has a single Cloakat involved.
- Please note each Cloakats size for drawing versions of these prompts if needed.


Drawing Prompt Requirements:

At least one (1) character, Minimum of flats is required.

Bonus: The more complete the drawing is and/or the more characters involved, the more currency you will be awarded.


Writing Prompt Requirements: 

600-word count or more (About a chunky paragraph or two.)
Bonus: The larger the word count or the more descriptive or characters used (with permission) the more gratitude shards will be rewarded.