We have added all "Standard" traits here by default, please leave these standard traits here unless something of a higher trait "takes it over".
(Like if a claw shape changes, or a material changes, etc.)
Is my Cloakat correct? Check these!
- Are the arms to the floor? The arms are meant to always be touching or dragging on the floor. They're incredibly long on purpose. Please also not that they are boneless, they can bend at ANY point!
- Does it have the ears lines and tragus? They're bat monsters, so it's important that they visually identify with bat-like ears and not cat eats.
- Do the hands have 3 fingers and a thumb? Cloakats have 3 claws and a thumb claw, they have 4 total claws, not 5!
- Do they have ONLY 3 toe claws? Cloakats only have 3 toe claws, not 4 or 5!
- Are their feet flat to the floor? They are plantigrade, not digitigrade! They don't have paw-like feet, either!
- Is their tail HUGE? Cloakat's tails are 2-2.5x the size of their body's height and very thick on purpose. Skinnier or shorter tails come with higher rarity since it is more uncommon.
- Do they have a hood? All Cloakats can have basically any "clothing" so long as it has a hood. Higher rarity allows for no hood.
- Do they have pockets somewhere? All Cloakats have pockets since they are marsupial. These pockets can be anywhere visible, so long as it makes sense
- Is my image transparent? The image has to be transparent for the Masterlist art, alternate versions for your own notes are welcome. (Note, older entries may not reflect this new rule yet)
- Make sure to select "Natural Form" unless you are specifcally making a different form of your chartacter that ISN'T its base/basic form.
- How To Submit a MYO Step-By-Step
- What are Cloakats?
- Trait Index
- Anatomy Resources
- Other Species
Please include this entire form listed below when doing a trait check on your Cloakat, please!
Character Creator: Add Website Link
Current Owner: Add Website Link
Creation Year: Example: May 2025 (Month and year only needed)
Design Name: (Only fill out if you're a Guest Artist/Official Artist)
Please also put these in the comments section when submitting to the site:
Can use a “New Interest Potion" on: (Can someone overhaul your design?)
Can be lightly edited: (Can someone edit little things like removing 1-2 traits/changing the hair, etc.?)
Element(s): (You can pick 1-2)
Is this character based on a CBC/IP? If So, who?:
Body Traits:
⚪ Echo Form (Standard)
Fur/Skin Type:
⚪ Standard Fur (Standard)
⚪ Any Bat Ears (Standard)
⚪ Vampire Fangs (Standard)
⚪ Tapering tongue (Standard)
⚪ Standard Claw Shape (Standard)
⚪ Standard Arms (Standard)
⚪ Fat-Tailed (Standard)
⚪ Standard Cloak (Standard)
⚪ Average Height(M)(Standard)
Power Limit:
⚪ Standard Power Limit - 1 Total Power (Standard)
⚪ Flight (Standard) (REQUIRED; Delete me)
RARITY: ⚪🟢🔵🟣🟡🟠🔴
Please submit your companion on a transparent background, then include this information filled out exactly as shared below:
Character Creator: Add Website Link
Current Owner: Add Website Link
Creation Year: EX: May 2024 (Month and year only needed)
Worth: $0
Species: Picayune, Waltzing Whelk, Tempo Slug, etc.
Pet Potion of Oddities Applied?: (State if you have applied 1-4 oddities and what those oddities are. Note: you must own a potion to apply an oddity)
Is this character based on a CBC/IP? If So, who?: