Terms of Service

Created: 30 August 2023, 17:24:05 EDT
Last updated: 6 October 2024, 20:05:31 EDT

Cloakat Species Terms of Service


0.0 General Info

0.1 What is this document for?


This is the official TOS  for the Cloakat Species community. These rules apply to ALL Cloakat Species-related locations, so please be sure to follow all rules carefully as failure to do so can result in a strike or ban.

By taking part in the Cloakat Species, you agree to the Terms Of Service. This applies once you own a Cloakat, a Cloakat pet (“companion”), or interacting with its community via any of its social media. This also applies to events, groups, websites, and adoptables related to the species as a whole.

TOS is subject to change at any time under the species owner's discretion. It is the members responsibility to check for updates on the TOS. If anything major is edited, we will make a newsletter announcing as such, but minor updates will not be noted otherwise.


0.2 Species Information

Species Information:


Official Websites:

Cloakats as a community is 13+ as a lot of it takes place in the Discord server and therefore abides by the minimum age requirement of discord, itself. However, the canon story of Cloakats, itself, and its NPC characters may subject one to intense swearing, violence, or blood, and therefore will require one viewing the story, itself, to be at least 16+. There are no sexual themes in this species, but there may be discussion of alcohol. Viewers discretion is advised.

1.0 Community User Conduct

1.1 User Conduct

User Conduct mean that you agree not to use the Service or the content or information delivered through the Service in any way that would be considered illegal or violate any law or statute.

  • Members are prohibited from using any form oh hateful or hurtful speech in any way shape pr form, please review the Blacklisting section for more information on this.
  • Members are never to create any uncomfortable or hostile environments for other members or the mod team on any of its involved and official communities.
  • Members who actively spread negativity and rumors without addressing them first with a mod or through our feedback form with the express intent to hurt other members, the mod team, or the species community as a whole is not to be tolerated. We are a very welcoming species and have many ways to provide and offer feedback if you have any problems with the species or its members.
  • Members are not to harass, threaten, insult, or attack other members or mod team members.
  • The species is not to be held accountable of members giving out personal information. Do not share information like this is you aren’t fully comfortable with any possible outcomes from others.
  • Minors are not to share any imperative personal information.
  • Members are not to create, distribute, or submit any material considered illegal in species spaces or in any waythat can lead back to the species in any intentional way.


1.2 User Conduct

Members are allowed to submit the following media to Cloakat’s Public Spaces:

  • Lightly suggestive content (art/writing; give a warning)
  • Mensions/Usage of alcohol (art/writing/personal use)
  • Light to medium blood spill and/or violence (art/writing; give a warning)
  • Bodyhorror (art/writing; give a warning)
  • Mensions/Usage of Foul language (art/writing/personal speech)
  • Mensions/Usage of Smoking (art/writing/personal use)
  • Mensions/Usage of Weed (art/writing/personal use; give a warning)

Members are restricted of submitting the following media to Cloakat’s Public Spaces:

  • Destructive language such as slurs, homophobia, xenophobia, self harm, venting, and other uncomfortable language or topics.
  • Sexually Explicit or highly suggestive content (Keep this in your personal space)
  • Extension to previous bullet: Kink/Fetish/BDSM art and designs are strictly forbidden.
  • Very heavy bloodspill, organ spill, or dismemberment of characters. (Keep this in your personal space)
  • Pieces meant to invoke an intense sense of discomfort in any way on purpose.

2.0 User Content

2.1 User Conduct
User Content means any material that you or other members submit or distribute in any manner to the Cloakat.com website or any affiliated social media’s for any purpose, whether publicly posted or privately distributed, and includes, but is not limited to, any text, images, audio material, video material, and audio-visual material.

  • Owning a Cloakat or other species from this community when it is a MYO means you own the rights to the character design itself. You do not own the rights to the species.
  • Owning a design by another artist means you have partial rights and own the character and its design to a point.
  • If you are to redesign the Cloakat you own, check to see the artists discretion on this in the description section of your masterlist entry
  • Making a Cloakat into the same design of another species or One-Off requires permission by the artist or species owner.
  •  You are not allowed to sell/redistribute content of any characters you own as you do not own the rights to Cloakats, itself.
  • Cloakats will never revoke a design made by a user for personal conflict. This will only be executed if the member is found breaking various rules.
  • If a member is to be banned from the site, all currency and items will be removed without compensation. The Characters, unless voided, can still be resold or traded by the member if applicable.

3.0 Character Rights and Uses

3.1 User Conduct
Rights a member has when owning a character from the Cloakat species

  • Owning a Cloakat allows the user to trade, sell and gift the character according to the value they originally purchased it for.
  • You are allowed to create, distribute and get commissions of the character you own.
  • You are allowed to share the character on various social media platforms if wanted. If any creations are made by another artist, credit is needed. Ask artists if it is okay to share their art on other platforms as some may be uncomfortable with this.
  • You are allowed to give the character any name, age over 20, background, and so on, so long as this does not violate any TOS rules here or real life laws in any way.
  • You may edit the design of a character with use of MYO editing items or with the permission of the artist who created them.
  • You may create a character based on your likeness; sona, or be loosely inspired by media.
  • AU versions of your characters will not be recognized as official or valued in a characters trade value.
  • You are not to create multiple highly similar designs as this mimics an existing trait and can cause problems if this character is distributed with another member.
  • You are not allowed to use a Cloakat character for commercial use. This includes merchandise to be sold or derivatives of the design in hopes to skirt around this rule.
  • You are not to use a character in any harmful or hateful way.
  • Tracing others' adopts or art as well as using them for bases is strictly forbidden and you may be warned or blacklisted for this action. If you have an urge to do this for any reason, please at least ask the artist in question.


3.2 Use of Service

  • Members are required to submit any information related to loopholes in our feedback-related prompts for currency as thanks for making the community better, however, if they are found abusing these loopholes, we might respond with a warning or ban according to the offence's extent.
  • The use of bots to intentionally “bomb” the site in manners such as mass Sign-Ups is strictly forbidden and will result in a permaban.
  • Cloakats services are not for use or distribution to any third party services for any reason.
  • If Cloakats has to temporarily or permanently shut its services down for any reason, we are not responsible for compensation for anything lost.
  • Members are not to use any automatic services like auto-refreshers, scripts, bots, or autoclickers in any way to abuse the site's services.
  • AI generated imagery and image scraping utensils is strictly forbidden.

4.0 Copyright

4.1 Copyright

A copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives the creator of an original work the exclusive and legally secured right to copy, adapt, distribute, perform, and display a creative work, usually for a limited time.

  • All content on the Cloakat.com website and its following officially social media’s belong the the Cloakat name unless stated otherwise.
  • Cloakats holds the rights to any and all content distributed related to its species unless stated otherwise.
  • Cloakats does not own or claim ownership of its framework Lorekeeper.
  • Cloakats does not hold ownership of member-submitted content to its spaces.
  • Cloakat does not claim copyright to any IP inspired characters.
  • Cloakats is not responsible for removing content from its services from current or former staff or members if it was originally given with the intent of community use or decoration for its spaces. Especially if compensation was met for its use.


5.0 Adoption of a Cloakat/Companion

5.1 Adoption

Cloakats are a closed species created by Clarrisa (https://clarrisawoods.carrd.co/). 
A Closed Species means, you cannot create your own without permission. There are certain ways how you can obtain a Cloakat, however! Cloakats created without approval are not allowed in any official Cloakat-related activities. Ignoring our rules and creating Cloakats or close designs may result in a ban and an entry into our blacklist.
Cloakat adoptables are officially sold on Cloakat.com DeviantArt, Toyhou.se, and our Discord. Make sure to check the previous links to ensure the seller is official or has been approved to sell/resell the Cloakat you are viewing.

  • You can get a Cloakat via:
    Auctions, Customs, Events, Flat-sales, Gifts, MYO’s, and Trades.
  • You own a Cloakat after payment is received by the approved seller of the Cloakat.
  • When purchasing a Cloakat, you have the right to the design in question, but do not own the rights to the species itself.
  • Once purchased the new owner of certain Cloakat directly agrees to the TOS. You may change its background information as you please. You can edit the physical features of the Cloakats through special shops and tickets sold on Cloakat.com. There is a stipulation to this as each entry has rules by their respective artists allowing the new owner to lightly or heavily edit this information. Pelase check the DESCRIPTION of your entry to see which of the two are allowed when adjusting your adopts physical qualities.
  • Failure to abide by the TOS may lead to a strike or a ban of your Cloakat and your username + aliases. Please be sure to read carefully as excess issues/strikes can lead to a permanent ban on you and your currently owned Cloakat(s).

You may NOT:

  • Claim the design as your own unless you have made it through a MYO ticket.
  • Claim the Cloakat species as your own.
  • Use a Cloakat for Commercial Use of any kind.
  • Make copies of a Cloakat and resell them.
  • Recreate a Cloakat adopts likeness in another species without asking the artist of the design first if they are okay with this. Credit the artist for its design if you have approval to recreate its design in another species.
  • Trace Cloakat designs, steal the designs, or heavily reference their designs.


6. Approving Ownership

All Cloakats and pets are registered to the masterlist: 

  • Cloakat-Masterlist (Cloakat.com, Toyhou.se and DeviantArt ).
  • To register a Cloakat, you have to follow the format stated here: How To Submit A MYO
  • To complete the submission, you will then submit it on the Cloakat.com website with a MYO item. Ask a mod to help with this step if needed.Once its been approved and appears on the site masterlist, it will then be official.
  • Joint-owned Cloakats is allowed. The person who purchases the Cloakat will be the main owner. You may allow yourself to do this with another person and “share” the character.
  • The Cloakat.com website is the first to be updated of the 3 mentioned locations above, and updates stagger to be longer per each link provided. 
  • Information most up to date and accurate will be on the Cloakat.com website.
  • Cloakats may only be sold for what they were purchased for, plus any additional art you have paid for in addition to its base price.
  • You are required to have a Cloakat.com profile to own a Cloakat as it is the most convenient for the Cloakat Team to handle trades and transfers of characters this way. 
  • You do not need to be active on the site to keep your Cloakat.
  • All information stated above applies to any species under the Cloakat species name.

7. Design Rules & Rights

Inspiration from characters:

You are more than allowed to use a MYO to create a species design, however, you cannot create a 1|1 recreation of an IP character. The character in question can be INSPIRED, but not PASTED into the species. Failure to follow this correctly could result in a wipe of your slot at the species owners discretion.
This is to keep the Cloakat Closed Species safe from legal troubles. Failure to do so or if you are found out later to have stolen a design will result in a “character wipe”. This means your Cloakat will be banned and deleted, making the slot a blank slot you will have to reuse for a new design.

7.1 Customs

Only Administrators and Official Artists of the Discord server are allowed to take custom commission requests unless stated otherwise.

(Check the moderation team on the Discord server to verify who is allowed to do so).

  • Order a custom Cloakat by DMing the relevant artist you want a custom with.
  • Custom information and pricing can be found  here: MYO and Custom Pricing
  • Prices are subject to change
  • Customs are allowed to be your own character as a Cloakat so long as the original character the Cloakat recreation design is based after is not copyrighted or a closed species owned by another individual.
  • If it is from another Closed Species specifically, we will require you to provide permission from the artist or the owner of the species if we are to make a similar custom as to not break other Artist of Closed Species’s TOS.
  • Mimicking copyrighted designs is strictly forbidden. Only distantly inspired designs may be approved.
  • Tickets are always open for purchase via legal tender.
  • OFFICIAL ARTISTS keep 80% of the profit while 20% goes to the Species Owner to maintain the website.
  • Official Artists have permission to create customs for members if that so choose.
  • Guest Artists are forbidden from creating custom commissions.


7.2 MYO

MYO: Make Your Own

MYO tickets can be purchased with USD currency, DeviantArt Points, or our Species Currency.
You also have a chance to earn or win them in events, or in the rare chance that there is a FREE MYO event going on. 

  • Purchase a MYO Ticket by contacting the owner of the species via: Twitter or on Discord via the Species Server (Username: Clarrisa)
  • You can earn a MYO Ticket by drawing fan art or writing for others in the community. Furthermore, you can also purchase them through USD currency.
  • You can earn a MYO Ticket also just by drawing more art or writing more on your own personal characters and turning them into online prompts on the Cloakat.com website.
  • You can also earn MYO Tickets through saving up of the species’s digital currency which can be acquired on the Cloakat.com website for doing various small fun activities.


7.2.1 MYO Resale:

You may do the following:

  • You may resell purchased Cloakats and their companions in the same manner and value as you purchased them for. The value of the Cloakat can increase with more art being added to them.
  • If a Cloakat is gifted to you/given to you for free or is valued at a core $0. That means the Cloakat itself was not purchased and technically lacks value and cannot be sold for any currency. You can sell them for the price of art, trade them for other characters, or  regift them.
  • If you resell a MYO ticket, you may ONLY sell them for the amount they were purchased for at the time of purchase or lower. If a MYO ticket’s price changes, you may NOT change the value of your own ticket as fluctuation is bound to happen.
  • The worth of a Cloakat can go up with the price of commissions you put on them. This will mean you can sell them for their base price PLUS the commissions pricing you’ve contributed to the design.
  • MYO’s or Cloakats won in events have a $0 value, and cannot be sold. You are allowed to GIFT them to someone. You may also see the previous section 2 bullet points above on possible Cloakat value to calculate possible extra worth with the permission of a mod to sell them ONLY if the Cloakat has been given value from any of the mentioned points in the part immediately above.
  • Cloakats are not responsible for the way members execute a transaction.
  • Cloakats are not responsible for any theft or scamming in the community outside banning the offender accordingly.
  • Cloakats are not to be resold in an auction form for any reason.
  • Cloakats not to be resold for excessive amounts of “add-on’s” on top of their base price + additional worth via commission pieces.


7.3 Designing your MYO

Designing a Cloakat by use of a MYO Ticket:

  • You are not allowed to create a design that is based on copyrighted materials or characters.
  • Cloakats inspired by media cannot share the same name as of what inspires its design.
  • Cloakat designs CANNOT be of sexual nature.
  • Certain gore/guro/violent/edgy designs may need partly strict approval if they are deemed too heavy in gore-like appearance to be seen by possible minors.
  • Cloakats made to heavily resemble other Closed Species “signature anatomy” is strictly forbidden.
  • You cannot make a Cloakat to intentionally look like another Closed Species.
  • Any themes surrounding intense violence, homophobia, xenophobia, racism, or the like will be immediately rejected and warned accordingly to the depth of offence.
  • Do not make MYOs based on other preexisting Cloakats designs, unless you created them yourself with a separate MYO ticket.
  • Feel free to contact the owner of the species to purchase a MYO ticket to create your Cloakat with if USD purchase is wanted.
  • While designing your Cloakat, be sure to share the sketch and list of traits you plan to use in the discord channel via the SPECIES MYO CHECK channel to help guide you in the right direction.
  • A mod needs to approve your Cloakat during its sketch stage with a list of provided traits before continuing the approval process.
  • Please note that the cloak/shirt you put on your Cloakat is a permanent edition and cannot be removed as it is physically part of the Cloakat, outfits can be put OVER the cloak, but it cannot be removed or completely hidden.
  • When making your MYO, make sure it is a clear, generally NON-ACTION pose with a transparent background and no special effects (i.e snowflakes, sparkles, stars around canvas etc.)
  • All traits are locked in once the Cloakat is officially submitted to the Master List. These cannot be changed without using a potion or other various items obtainable from the Cloakat.com site to adjust anything further. So be sure things are correct when posting.
  • When selecting the powers of your Cloakat, only select traits that make sense for your Cloakat to have since they are generally socially thematical creatures. So, for instance, you cannot have an aquatic water skinned Cloakat with fire and earth powers. Or a Floral themed Cloakat with fire powers etc.
  • Please carefully read through each body-part's guidelines and the Traits Section when choosing your traits to know all do's and don'ts of making a Cloakat.
  • Unlike premades, which can have this option at the discretion of the artist making the adopt, you are always allowed to use "New Interest" tickets or “Moving Boxes” on your own MYO designs.
  • By purchasing a MYO ticket, you are agreeing to abide by the species rules and regulations, failure to do so may result in varied discipline ranging from denial of approval, to refund of ticket (where applicable), the masterlist slot in question possible being wiped to be redone, a possible void of the character in question, or further discipline accordingly.


7.4 Redesigning

  • You can redesign your Cloakat by use of a New Interest Potion. Which can be done by purchasing them with USD, Cloakat currency, or winning them in raffles.Other items may be necessary when redesigning one so please be sure to read up on MYO editing items descriptions to assure you understand the limits of these edits.
  • This ticket allows you to completely redesign your existing Cloakat so long as it not a very heavy redesign.
  • You will need additional items do to a heavy redesign. Refer to bullet 1’s link in this section for a link to items that might be needed.
  • The item referred to as “Moving Boxes” will allow one to void and rebuild a slots design completely, so long as the artist of the slot agrees to this.
  • Premade Cloakat's may not be compatible with New Interest Tickets as the artist of these adopts may not prefer them to be redesigned now wiped with a Moving Boxes item.
  • Please show all changes to a mod before you upload the redesigned Cloakat to the site. Changes without approval may result in a cancel of your request to redo something if needed. We do not want you to work very hard on something that might not be approved for whatever reason!


7.5 Voiding a Cloakat

Voiding out a Cloakat is when you’d like to leave the community and/or want to delete the design of your Cloakat permanently. This way the Cloakat cannot be resold/traded/gifted ever again. This is useful for those with a very deep bond/personal attachment to their cloakat. This is most notable for those who make a Cloakat-sona.

  • Voiding can be done withthe use of the item called “Exile Ticket”.
  • Voiding is a permanent decision and also permanently deletes the number of the Cloakat along with it. (EX: If you void Cloakat #001, #001 cannot ever be cycled or used as a number again.)
  • Voided designs will stay visible in the masterlist but marked as “VOID” and cannot be used, drawn, or sold ever again.
  • Cloakats that are voided cannot be remade/inspired into a new design via MYO or custom request.
  • Voiding a Cloakat also means one will also have to redesign the character to at least not look like a Cloakat. This is to avoid confusion of members who are still in the community once the Cloakat is no longer a part of the community.
  • When “redesigning” a character no longer associated with Cloakats, the most present things requested to adjust would be the arm length, claws, adding eyes, or adjusting the anatomical shape of the tail.
  • Information relative here is also present in all associated items used to void your character so it by using these items or requesting a void or slot wipe, you are agreeing to this section of the TOS’s rules present both on the item and on this document.
  • Voiding a design made by you does not need permission by anyone else. Voiding a design by another artist requires permission or else the void will be denied.
  • All information here also includes any other species under the Cloakat Species name.


Options to consider before possibly voiding Cloakat:

  • You may gift your Cloakat to someone in the community or someone you trust.
  • You may “Put up for adoption” which means you’re giving the Cloakat back to the owner for free so they can use your Cloakat as a raffle or gift to another community member, their value and all current art will be reduced to $0.
  • You can consider selling it for the same price you purchase it for or for the base value + art value on top.
  • You can consider voiding your character with “Moving Boxes” instead of “Exile Ticket” as this could also allow you to resell or trade the slot if you would like to have something nice on your way out for the slot it was previously in.


7.6 Selling of Cloakat Content

  • You can sell YCH drawings as well as take YCH commissions and you keep the full profit.
  • You can offer as well as take commissions to draw preexisting Cloakats while you keep the full profit.
  • You can create a pay-to-use base and/or free-to-use base and keep the full profit.
  • You can take part in the community in the form of the discord community, events, websites, etc.


8. Guest Artists and Official Artists

8.1 What is a Guest Artist & how can I become one?

Guest Artists are approved artists that can create a premade design and sell them.
Guest Artists might become an Official Artist if approved to be so.

There are different trait rarities in the species:
Standard, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Epic,  Legendary,  Mythic, and Event typing.

  • Guest Artists are allowed to sell adoptables.
  • You need to register at Cloakat.com, as well as join the discord server.
  • Guest Artists are forbidden from taking custom commissions.
  • Bases made by other community members are not allowed to be used while you're a guest artist to make and sell an adoptable.


8.2 Guest Artists

How many Cloakats and/or pets can I sell as a Guest Artist?

  • You can sell 5 Cloakats
  • You can sell 4 Pets
  • Traits allowed:
    • Per Cloakat: Up to Epic Rarity.
    • You may also use Event Traits if they are currently in season.
  • 20% of the profit goes to the owner of the species in USD/Paypal or DA Points. (100 DA Points = $1.00 in this case)

8.3 Official Artists

Official Artist

  • This status comes with the approval of the owner of the species.
  • How many Cloakats am I allowed to sell?
    • There is no limit to this, and up to Legendary Rarity traits can be sold.
  • How many pets am I allowed to sell?
    • There are no limits, and you keep full profits of any pets sold.
  • Traits: Up to Legendary rare traits can be sold.
  • 20% of any Cloakat sale goes to the species owner.
  • Official Artists are allowed to sell adoptables.
    You need to register at Cloakat.com, as well as join the discord server.
    Official Artists cannot sell MYO tickets. Only the owner of the Species may do so.
    Official Artists may sell pre-made adoptables, however.
  • Official Artists are allowed to make customs for members.
    As a reminder, the rights to the species are not sold with the design when purchasing any form of Cloakat. (MYO/Custom/Premade/ETC.)


Information further touching on both Official and Guest Artists can be found here: https://www.cloakat.com/info/artist-terms 

8.4 Pricing an Adopt

Charge the price of your adopt to fit what you think is fair for yourself, however, $10 is the minimum you are allowed to charge. Higher rarities may be different in price minimum at the species owner’s discretion.


8.5 FAQs on Sales:

What currency typing?

  • USD/Dollar Currency or DA Points. (100 DA Points = $1.00 in this case)

Can I sell for a flat price or auctioned?

  • You can decide which best works for you.

What will I earn profit-wise?

  • You get 80% while the owner of the species gets 20% of the profit.

Where will the adopts be posted?

  • Firstly it will be added to the masterlist on the Cloakat.com
  • They will then also be added to our official Toyhouse and DeviantArt.
  • They will then be posted for sale on the discord server, then the Cloakat.com website, then Toyhou.se, then lastly DeviantArt in that order.

What defines the rarity value of a Cloakat?

  • Rarity is defined by its traits, the highest owned trait, even if a single trait in that rarity category, makes the Bat that rarity value.

Can I add lore/story to the Cloakat?

  • Feel free to do so. Generally this can help when you have a bat with wounds of any sort or specific aesthetic choicesto its design. Youre welcome to make generally any story you want so long as it doesnt strongly go against Cloakat lore (Like changing size, having eyes on the face, transformation, etc)

8.6 Requirements for being a Guest Artist:

  1. You must have a PayPal to be approved or at least accept DA Points as a currency. We are not responsible for your profit when selling.
  2. Your accounts should all be at least 6 months old upon signing up.
  3. You need to be at least 13 years of age. (Discord rules)
  4. You must have a DeviantArt and be a part of the Discord to be a guest artist.
  • You can apply via DMing the owner of the species on Discord with relative art examples as well as the form provided in the Artist TOS. Review the Artist TOS here for more information as well as the form.
    • Applying does not guarantee that you will become a guest artist.


9. Payment - Types of Payment

9.1 Paying

Cloakats will be sold in USD currency or DA Points.

  • You will receive the Cloakat after the payment is 100% complete.
  • Payment cannot take longer than 1 week to be done or processed.
  • Refunds:
    • Refunds are not accepted unless there is a perfectly valid and/or logical reason why i.e someone stole your info/did it without your permission etc.


9.2 Auctions

SB: Start Bid
AB: Auto Buy
Please do NOT take part in the auctions if you do not have the money to do so. Auctions will be set to be purchased in USD currency. 

  • After winning an auction, the owner or creator of the adopt will DM you.
    • When the auction is still going, and you are NOT the highest bidder, you can remove your comment at any time.
    • Dropping out of a running auction while being the highest bidder results in a strike.
    • The second-highest bidder will automatically win the auction & needs to pay for the Cloakat.
    • Failure to respond within 3 days will result in your 1st strike (See 6. For ban-related rules).
    • By taking part of the auction, you are agreeing to pay as the winner of the auction or if the highest bidder drops out for any reason.
    • No badmouthing those who win a bid, it will not be tolerated.
    • Dropping out of an Auction:
    • When the auction is still going, and you are NOT the highest bidder, you can remove your comment at any time.
    • Dropping out of a running auction while being the highest bidder results in a strike.
    • The second-highest bidder will automatically win the auction & needs to pay for the Cloakat.


9.3 Flatsales

These are sold for PayPal USD or DA Points.

  • First come, first served premise.
    • The rules previously stated for Auctions rule here too.
    • If you win, you need to pay within 2 days. Failure to do so results in the next reply/person of interest winning.
    • If you need to cancel your purchase, please inform us as it is rude to string up along
    • If you need a hold, let us know BEFORE you purchase, stringing us along until you can afford the adopt will not be tolerated.


9.4 Trading, Transfers, and Resale

Cloakats can be traded and transferred for free between one another. Be sure to inform the owner of the species on who the bat is sold to so the Masterlist can be updated.


If you do this, please also update their masterlist slot on the Cloakat.com website to the new owner. If the new owner does not yet have an account, they are required to do so and will not be recognized as the new owner until they have done so. An inactive account does not mean you will lose your adopt.

  • You can resell adopts, MYO’s, and premades for the price and currency you purchased them for. Additionally, if there was added art/value, you can add this on top of its value.
  • Cloakats valuing $0 are still $0 unless there is extra art value in the Cloakats profile. 
  •  MYO’s or Cloakats won in events are worth $0, so they are not allowed to be sold. You can gift them to others for art/character trade in exchange. Currency trade will not be recognized by the moderation team if you do this without informing us. You may be warned or banned according to offense.
  • Cloakats earned for free can only be traded or gifted. They are still worth $0.



If you do this, please also update the owner of the species so we can update the masterlist

  • You CAN trade Cloakats for other species and characters. 
  • You CAN trade Cloakats for art. 
  • You CAN trade Cloakats for Virtual Currency with no legal tender value.
  • You CAN trade Cloakats for Cloakat Currency
  • You CAN trade Cloakats for other Cloakats.


9.5 Joint Ownership

Joint-Ownership is allowed.

  • We allow and recognize Co-Owners and having the coding to allow this officially on the Cloakat.com website. The purchaser will be recognized as the main owner of the listing unless requested otherwise.


10. Harrassment, Warnings, and Blacklisting

10.1 Harassment

When you observe harassment or are being harrassed,  please contact the owner of the species or a mod. If you are harassing a person, you may receive a strike for your rudeness. Be sure to provide viable proof of the harassment. Do not speak on a Mods behalf if you are not a Mod. If the person is observed to be saying or doing something racist, sexist, homophobic, ablist, or so on, this can result in a ban or blacklisting from the species.

10.2 Warnings and Blacklisting:

There are multiple ways one can be backlisted from the community:
Some points listed can result in a strike while others are a permanent ban or blacklisting. 3 strikes makes a ban. Here are some reasons one might get into trouble:

  • Very obvious off-branding (Inform the creator of the Cloakat species if you observe this, do not under any circumstance, harass the person off branding a Cloakat.)
  • Being rude/obnoxious towards other members
  • General harassment results in a strike
  • Racist actions/language results in a ban.
  • Sexist actions/language results in a ban.
  • Homophobic actions/language result in a ban.
  • Ablist actions/language results in a ban.
  • Harassing someone for winning or buying an adopt results in a strike.
  • Scamming others is subject to be either a strike or ban depending on severity
  • Ignoring the TOS. after receiving a warning about them.
  • Auctions:
    -Taking part in auctions but do not have the money results in a strike.
    -No answer after 2 days of winning an auction results in a strike.
    -Dropping out of an auction while being the highest bidder results in a strike.
  • Requesting the purchase of a flatsale adopt and backing out or ghosting the artist of the adopt numerous times. If you do not have means of currency, please do not string along artists. It is very rude.
  • Purposefully causing issues/instigating results in a strike.
  • Using a secondary account or more ti “siphon” more items and currency to your main account via the Cloakat.com website.
  • Being Banned from the website also means you will forfeit all items and species currency you have on the account in question. Compensation will not be permitted. You are still allowed to trade or sell your applicable Cloakat character post-banning UNLESS they have been voided via Exile Ticket or Moving Boxes item.

Blacklisting is irreversible. You are still allowed to resell your Cloakat, but you are not allowed to take part in any events/activities anymore. Blacklisting is used for protecting the community.

If strikes, banning, or blacklisting is caused by a misunderstanding, we are happy to talk it out and reverse the strike/ban/blacklist with viable proof or understanding of whatever happened. Feel free to talk with the owner of the species if you feel you have been “done wrong”, but please do not use this as a gateway to drive home your point rudely. Please take time to think overthings properly before interacting with the species again to sort things out as to not be emotionally charged when doing so.



Feel free to join the discord and ask the server any questions you might have, or DM the owner of the server/species about anything. (Discord Username: Clarrisa)