Word Scramble


Here is a link to this activity:

Link To all Cloakat Festivals:

What is this Activity?
This is an activity where you try to review words that have their letters mixed up, then try to unscramble the letters to make words out of them. These words will always related to the current festival, month, season, or holiday, so if it doesn't seem to fit one of these categories, please consider trying to make another work as it might be wrong!

Overall Information and/or Requirements:
- Limited to the current month's activity, If a festival activity is submitted after the last day of the month, It will be denied.
- Submit a link/picture to a screenshot of your finished work. (Do not submit activity sheets to our website gallery, please link it from another host that ISN'T discord or DeviantArt)
- Your first submission per each activity also grants you 1 festival ticket.
- You will not be granted more festival tickets for more than 1 submission per each activity, but can still earn shards for art/writing-related prompts when submitted again.
- Submitting this with partial wrong answers will result in a deduction of gratitude shards from your "final score" but you will still earn your festival ticket regardless.
- You have to correctly guess at least 9/10 of the activity to earn the festival ticket.


Reward Amount
Gratitude Shards 25
Festival Tickets 1
Exp 1


No skill increase.

You can submit this prompt an unlimited number of times .
