Prompt Categories

Free Stuff

Prompt submitted for free things

Festival Activities

If you do any of the festival activities included below, please submit them in their appropriate prompts categories:

- A Monthly Prompt
-  Word Search
-  A Art Challenge Prompt
-  A Crossword puzzle
-  A Festival-specific Prompt
-  Word Scramble
-  Sudoku
-  A Scavenger Hunt
-  A Jigsaw Puzzle
-  A Maze

Species Support Rewards

Any prompt submitted for free grab bags or to request something free (like TH codes etc) as thanks or just for helping one another.

Website Corrections, Help, and Community Suggestions

Submit to this category if you find site errors in exchange for thank you rewards for your help in sniffing out site issues!

Story Prompts (Limited Time)

Prompts that are story immersive or limited to a certain day, week, month, or season and are separate from festival prompts.

6 results found.