The Elder Bats Quarters
Lore: Hello, and welcome to our forest, little one. How may we assist you? If you're looking for a location to live around the island, please feel free to give me details of the ideal place you'd like to stay and we can sort out a location for you to live. I can show you around after we discuss the details.
A location that new bats visit when moving into the island. Speak to the Elder about house accommodations for your Cloakat.
This is a location where you would acquire an item called a Treehouse key, this key gives your Cloakat a house to live in.
This is where you acquire Cloakat MYO slots. "USE" this item to create a slot, then turn in that slot fully filled out to become a part of the Masterlist.The Elder Bat:
The Elder Bat:
The Elder Bat: