Border Categories

Locational Borders

A border related to an area around Moonset Island. These borders can be purchased or found in the encounter or dungeon mechanic. Sometimes other locations are possible as well. Please read the individual borders description for this information.

What is a border?
It is an item that, at its root, is just a decorator, but will add a border or ring of decor around your character or user profile border accordingly.
These borders do nothing outside look pretty for you! They're for fun!

How to use/equip?
- Once you acquire a border, it will go into your inventory, from there, click on the border, click the check mark box on the top of the list, then click to "Redeem border".
- It will then permanently attach to your account from here.
- To equip, then go to settings, all the way at the bottom will be the area you can select the borders from.

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