Character Classes


Class: Villager
Armor Type: None
Weapon Classes: None
A class specifically for non-fighting Cloakats. This class is designed as the 'weakest' class, as Cloakats in this section are not designed to be able to fight. This is usually for producers, farmers, gatherers. 'Corporate' jobs, and other jobs on the island who don't focus on or intend to fight or defend when it is needed.


Class: Swordsman
Armor Type: Heavy Armor
Weapon Classes: Swords
Info: Swordsman is a pretty decent middle-ground with stats and a bit quicker than average. They closely level out their stats with the Spearman Class. Swordman are a very noble class and are the first line of defence with Fighter class Cloakats. While pretty good in combat in general, they cannot sometimes fend off magic attacks cast by mages, who generally have stronger honed powers than a normal Cloakat would.


Class: Spearman
Armor Type: Light Armor
Weapon Classes: Spears/Lances
Info: Spearsman is a pretty decent middle ground with stats and is a bit quicker than average. They closely level out their stats with the Swordsman Class. While pretty good in combat in general, they sometimes lack the ability to fend off magic attacks cast by mages, who generally have stronger-honed powers than a normal Cloakat would.


Class: Rogue
Armor Type: Light Armor
Weapon Classes: Blades, Other Weapons
Info: Rogues are generally more agile and quick. a lot of Cloakat in this class are sneaky and also can be considered hooligans or wily in attitude. This class can also use a lot of unconventional items as weapons. Rogues are the quickest class alongside mages. This class also handles their magic pools a little better than the more heavy or physical classes, allowing them to cast spells better than all other classes EXCEPT Mage classes.


Class: Ranger
Armor Type: Light Armor
Weapon Classes: Archery
Info: Rangers are generally good with scouting and long-range weapons like bows, canons, slingshots, and other archery-like weapons (Guns are not allowed). Rangers are generally quick on their feet and have a good sense of their surroundings. Rangers are rather quick on their feet, being only a little slower than Rogues and Mages. Rangers can also handle their magic just a little better than Fighters, Spearman, Swordsman, and Barbarians.


Class: Mage
Armor Type: Vestment
Weapon Classes: Magick Foci
Info: Mages are generally Cloakats with a better focus on their elemental or magical powers than Cloakats in other classes. While most Cloakat CAN use some sort of power or another, the mage class amplifies these powers, making the caster more honed with their powers through a source of magick foci like wants, staves, orbs, cards, books, and other foci. Mages are the quickest class alongside Rogues but in exchange for their amplified powers and speed, they have rather bad defense and can sometimes not handle physical attacks very well. Mage class is also a class specifically for healers who aren't technically fighters if wanted.


Class: Fighter
Armor Type: Heavy Armor
Weapon Classes: Maces, Clubs
Info: Fighter class Cloakats are generally considered first-line defenders and noble, just like swordsmen but are a bit more of a hard hitter. They can be a formidable foe but are a bit slower than the Spear and Sword classes. They are second to best in physical attacks next to Barbarian classes but are punished by their slowness and lack of magic than other classes.


Class: Barbarians
Armor Type: Heavy Armor
Weapon Classes: Axes, Hammers
Info: Barbarians are known to be the hardest-hitting class and can sometimes be very aggressive, if not just intimidating. Not all Cloakat with this class fit the bill of "scary" but it generally seems to be the case for most. Barbarians have the best attack and defense but have virtually no magic pool and are the slowed class among all others. Barbarians generally have impeccable strength, sometimes lifting objects that other Cloakat wouldn't expect to be lifted by such a small species in the first place. They act as the beefy defense of the colony behind their quicker fighters (Swordsman//Spearman/Fighters)

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