
Ginkgo Leaf

Ginkgo Leaf (Leaves)

Displays as: 0 Ginkgo Leaf
Held by: Users

Lore and Info:
A fresh Ginkgo Leaf you found while foraging or dropped from a monster while fighting them. It seems these pretty little leaves are well favored by Ginkgo, herself. (Go figure, hehe)
Maybe go give it to Ginkgo as she seems to love these things!

Currency Use:
Ginkgo Leaves as a currency is found exclusively through foraging and fighting monsters. They can be used to redeem lootboxes from Ginkgo from her shop if you go and turn them in to her. The more expensive the lootbox, the better the pool of items within them! This is a chance currency and isn't easily found, so it is treated as a "treat" currency.

This currency cannot be traded between community members.

1 result found.