
Gratitude Shards

Gratitude Shards (Shards)

Displays as: 0 Gratitude Shards
Held by: Users

Gratitude Shards are the currency used by Cloakat. Gratitude shards are crystal like gem shards they use as a currency, in their world, the color reflects their worth like that of the numerical value displayed on a coin or bill. Some Cloakats will often deposit their shards into a digital card called a Crystal Card. Gratitude Shard currency can be added or subtracted from a Cloakat's "Crystal Card", which is tied to their identity as a resident of their island, so stealing from ones Crystal Card is rather impossible to do. Gratitude Crystals can be occurred with being an honest person as it can sometimes form from thin air if genuine honesty with gratitude is involved, so many Cloakats do not go without so long as they keep honest.

· Gratitude Shard Gain and Use: (In their world)
Here are some ways that a gratitude shard currency can be obtained or used. Items/groceries are bought and sold in shards. Cloakat who work and serve can be tipped shards. A Cloakat could be grateful for you helping them with tasks and can reward you with shards. Really anything selfless can possibly get a Cloakat more currency for basic needs or desired. Inflation isnt very common in their community and the currency is rather easy to come across in the world of a Cloakat so long as you're a kind and honest person. This actually encourages the community to act better due to how they are earned.

* Not only are treehouses a mandatory staple of welcome in their community, but currency and lifestyle is easily supported to give the Bats an easy and happy life. Cloakat believe in taking care of one another (mostly) and strive to keep their community happy and healthy.

· Ways Gratitude Shards Can Currently Be Earned: (Some are chance-based)
*Note: The art related prompts listed are rewarded Gratitude Shards for Cloakat-related art only. This allows the community to associate more with each other and the species as a result.
  · When joining the site and submitting the new user prompt (For the first time only)
  · Art trades (Cloakat Related)
  · Gifted art to others/offering art to others and YCH's (Cloakat Related; Gift art and NPC art grants bonus shards)
  · Participating in polls
  · Participating in events/festivals
  · Joining Patreon (This also comes with perks of possible free items, tickets, customs, MYO's, First dibs, etc.)
  · Being generally helpful/informational surrounding the community.
  · Inviting others to the Discord server (You both get 50+ shards)
  · When selling commissions of any Cloakat-related kind in the community (YCH, commissions etc. The art itself grants you shards)
  · If you roleplay with another member of the community and this results in art (drawing, 3D, writing etc.) this can also sometimes be rewarded with shards when shared with the community.
  · More ways to earn shards for your Crystal Card will be updated as time goes on.

Users are allowed to trade this currency between each other.

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