

An exotic serpent-like creature with living vegetation on its body. Bramboas are covered in prickly thorns to deter enemies from eating them. Bramboa have a knack for growing foliage on their body to blend into their surroundings and are often incredibly hard to find due to how well they blend in. Bramboa will commonly hunt Picayune, so it's best to watch your pet Picayune if you go foraging in the deeper forests of Moonset. Bramboa can be found all around Moonset island and adapt to about any environment, but will most commonly try and avoid heavily inhabited locations. They don't generally do well in the cold, or incredibly high temperatures, so will least commonly be around the Cypress mountains or Scoria's Crag. If a Bramboa has problems with finding food, it will often rely on its ability to photosynthesize to feed itself until it can find sustenance.