Distortion Cat


A very uncommon creature in the world Cloakats live in. While many may not have their natural powers that make them considerably dangerous and powerful, it is better to be on a side of caution, rather than to assuming one is powerless. These creatures best resemble cats, but have off markings, eyes, ears, and tails that make them distinct from other feline species. They seem to be anywhere from the size of a house cat to the size of a large cat, like a Lion or tiger. The best way to tell the difference between one with or without power is with time, as the powerless ones seem to retain about the size of a house cat, while the Distortion Cats with powers continue to grow past this state. Their powers highly vary, but it is said that they grant various wishes for steep prices. These prices often include the recipient's body parts, their soul, or other huge stakes in their life, but the wish always becomes true to the T. The cat will often become loyal, if not at least incredibly protective of its recipients after a deal. While some may be loyal to one creature, some may go out seeking more power by making as many deals as possible. These are the Distortion Cats you should best heed warning with.