Item Categories

Collectible Pets

Collectible pets are pets that are plush, doll, or figure in nature and are strictly a collectible. These pets generally resemble items, characters, or creatures in the Cloakat world but are NOT actual characters and are not to be made a character profile of as these are just items.

Pets are a mechanic in the Cloakat world where you can interact with them once attached to a character for various purposes. They come in the form of an "openable voucher" where you open a box version of the pet, to make it a usable pet. This is due to no coding being available currently to make pets, themselves, directly purchasable from the shop, so one needs to open the BOX from this category to get the usable version.

- Pets can be attached to characters you own. When attached to a character, you can bond with it once a day to help level it up
- Leveling up a pet gives you prizes (pets also have a max level)
- Pets can sometimes "bring" the user gifts. Some rarer pets may bring more gifts than others. (Passive income via items and currency forever, so long as you still own the pet and keep it attached to a character)

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