Potion of Common Rarity
A Potion that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Common Rarity trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice.
This potion Only excludes powers and elemental typings. You will need a power trait food via shop or crafting to apply a power or an elemental typing to your Cloakat.
This is separated from the editing feature of this potion due to elemental attacks and typing being more based on the arbitrary RPG aspect of the species and allows some editing items to be more immersive or unique to certain purposes. Initial creation of a MYO allows you to add any elemental typings that make sense to your Cloakat as well as powers and power limitations based on your Cloakats max rarity upon creation, however.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.
If purchased with USD, this item adds value to your Cloakats overall value.
Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.
Can be found via shops, USD purchase, crafting, foraging, and raffles most commonly.
Purchaseable At: