<a href="https://www.cloakat.com/world/items?name=Spirit Vessel" class="display-item">Spirit Vessel</a>

Spirit Vessel

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 600 Gratitude Shards


A spirit vessel collected from a Cinder Den via Darlings shop. With care, you take it home to see what it becomes. These creatures are known to be good luck, but can be a little skittish when raising. So keep it close to your heart, and it will do the same for you.

This item grants you One (1) Kitano Companion MYO.
Please review the link above to review what can naturally occur trait-wise on your companion, as well as what required a potion.

Please note that some physical quirks require a Pet Potion of Oddities to be added to a MYO slot as some companions don't naturally have things like 2 heads, wings, elemental parts, etc.
By submitting your character to the site, you agree to both the Species TOS and the MYO TOS as well.

Uses: An item used to create a Companion character.



Can only be found via shops.