Bramboa Hatchling
A Bramboa hatching collected from a nest from somewhere around the island and has been brought to Darlings shop to give it a better chance to live. Keep it warm and turn it occasionally to see what it hatches into. Bramboa are a bit temperamental, so if you have patience with it, it will with you too, also offering you a variety of its natural herbs and remedies.
This item grants you One (1) Bramboa Companion MYO.
Please review the link above to review what can naturally occur trait-wise on your companion, as well as what required a potion.
Please note that some physical quirks require a Pet Potion of Oddities to be added to a MYO slot as some companions don't naturally have things like 2 heads, wings, elemental parts, etc.
By submitting your character to the site, you agree to both the Species TOS and the MYO TOS as well.
Uses: An item used to create a Companion character.
Can only be found via shops.
Purchaseable At: