
<a href=""Vacation" Ticket" class="display-item">"Vacation" Ticket</a>

"Vacation" Ticket


Purchase this ticket from Devil so you can set the status of your Cloakat to "DNI" .

This ticket is meant to put your Cloakat in a hibernating state so the community is not allowed to interact with it if you as its owner want a break from the species.
This means it will not be able to have art drawn of it, have writing done of it, be in the monthly Cloakat poll, or otherwise be interacted with by the community so you can have some peace.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Ticket" class="display-item">Exile Ticket</a>

Exile Ticket


Purchase this ticket from Devil so you can set the status of your Cloakat to "VOID" .

This ticket is meant to put your Cloakat in a permanent hibernating state so the community is not allowed to interact with it if you as its owner want to leave the species.
This means it will not be able to have art drawn of it, have writing done of it, be in the monthly Cloakat poll, or otherwise be interacted with by the community so you can have some peace.
This is for folks who would like to leave the species as a whole and not have people interact or ask for their Cloakat ever in the future.
If you are to VOID a Cloakat, you have to change its design enough to not be associate with the species to avoid confusion with others in the future. By using this item on your Cloakat, you agree to this redesign rule.


Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Spring Traits" class="display-item">Potion of Spring Traits</a>

Potion of Spring Traits

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 375 Gratitude Shards

A Potion that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Event Rarity trait to your Cloakat that is limited to SPRING traits.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE Spring trait of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

This potion is available in:


Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Summer Traits" class="display-item">Potion of Summer Traits</a>

Potion of Summer Traits

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 375 Gratitude Shards

A Potion that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Event Rarity trait to your Cloakat that is limited to SUMMER traits.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE Summer trait of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

This potion is available in:


Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Fall Traits" class="display-item">Potion of Fall Traits</a>

Potion of Fall Traits

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 375 Gratitude Shards

A Potion that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Event Rarity trait to your Cloakat that is limited to FALL traits.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE Fall trait of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

This potion is available in:


Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Winter Traits" class="display-item">Potion of Winter Traits</a>

Potion of Winter Traits

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 375 Gratitude Shards

A Potion that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Event Rarity trait to your Cloakat that is limited to WINTER traits.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE Winter trait of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

This potion is available in:

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Potion of Oddities" class="display-item">Pets Potion of Oddities</a>

Pets Potion of Oddities

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 75 Gratitude Shards

A potion that allows you to add one feature to a pet thats generally "against the rules" or not typically normal for the pet to have.
So long as it doesn't break their general anatomy guide, it will generally pass, just ask a mod first before purchase if what you want isn't explicitly listed below.
One (1) Potion can add One (1) of the traits listed below to your pet. Buying a pet Potion of Oddities requires a base MYO to apply it to. 

LIMIT - 4 oddities per pet


Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Standard Nail Salon Visit</a>

Standard Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Standard Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Common Nail Salon Visit</a>

Common Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Common Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Uncommon Nail Salon Visit</a>

Uncommon Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Uncommon Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can be found via foraging or shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Rare Nail Salon Visit</a>

Rare Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Rare Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Epic Nail Salon Visit</a>

Epic Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Epic Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Legendary Nail Salon Visit</a>

Legendary Nail Salon Visit

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Legendary Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" TOS" class="display-item">MYO/Redesign TOS</a>

MYO/Redesign TOS


An Item you include when submitting a redesign request. This is more so to understand the limits of how much something can be changed or edited and acts as a light "TOS" when submitting a new MYO, edited entry, or redesign of a Cloakat or companion you own. By submitting this with your submitted Cloakat, you understand the rules listed below and agree to not cheat the rules.

General Rules:


-When submitting a MYO, you agree that you have looked through the traits and anatomy rules correctly. (People get the arms wrong and are missing the bat ear stripes the most when submitting designs).
- You cannot buy one very high rarity item to raise the rarity of the design and then use a new interest potion to completely change the design at that rarity level. Each part of the cloakats rarity will be capped at that categories' rarity. Example: if the claws are uncommon, but the tail is rare, you can only go as high as uncommon traits for the claws and rare traits for the tail if you use a new interest potion on the Cloakat.
- If none of the body parts are changing its current traits, but you just want to redo the art, you're more than welcome to do this without the need of any potions/tickets.
- If you are the one who made the design you are editing/redesigning/updating the Masterlsit art of, you don't need permission to change your own Cloakat, please be courtious of lightly editing or redesigning Cloakats made by other artists, however.
- A new interest potion is needed if you are heavily changing the Cloakat while also generally maintaining the theme of the original design. Changing the theme all together is not allowed, please refer to a new MYO slot for this.
- You don't need a new interest potion if you are redesigning the Cloakat in your own art style while not changing any of the traits, or if you're just updating the arts integridy.
- If the Cloakat is a subspecies (Aether/Abyssal; not released yet) it will also apply to the rules listed. Currently, there is no way to change a Cloakat between its subspecies form or back yet.

Lightly Editing: (Using single items)
- When submitting a Cloakat redesign, be sure to check if the creator of the design allows redesigns. Check its masterlist entry to see if it can be "lightly edited".
- If it can be lightly edited, be sure that the change is small enough that its very obviously the same design. Try to keep the integridy of the original design in tact.
- If lightly edited, some parts require an item to change these parts, be sure to include the items needed to change the design. If it's not in a shop, please ask a mod about what you'd like edited if its not staying the same trait.

Please use the correct items to edit when submitting:
Rarity Potions allow 1 trait from a certain tier of rarity to be added. (powers limits can be added, but power foods are needed to adjust powers)
Power Foods are needed to adjust the types of powers your Cloakat can use and/or the elemental typing the Cloakat, itself, is. If you submit a MYO Cloakat and they were given predetermined set of 1-2 elemental typings, you are allowed to change this for free ONCE, after this you need a Power Food to change your Cloakats elemental typing.
Hades Hair Salon products are used to adjust JUST the hair, hair color, and nails/claws of the Cloakat.
Seasonal Trait Potions Can be bought in their respective seasons, They can be used outside their seasons so long as you own one first. Commissioning a custon requires you to be in the right season to request specific seasonal traits, however.
Potion of Old Roots lets you return a Cloakat to its original masterlist Art form, this includes a revert or rarity and traits as well.
Trait Extraction Potions let you remove one trait all the way down to STANDARD rarity.
The Blooming Boutique's MYO affecting items allows one to adjust the Cloak of the Cloakat only. You can also use items that give the Cloakat ONLY Trinkets/Accessories or ONLY other clothing items of your choice.
Noah's Artisan Ironworks Items will allow you to change the class of your Cloakat. If you submit a MYO Cloakat and they were given predetermined class, you are allowed to change this for free ONCE, after this you need a Class Permit to change your Cloakats class.

New Interest Potion:
- When submitting a Cloakat redesign, be sure to check if the creator of the design allows redesigns. Check its masterlist entry to see if it can have a "new interest potion" applied to it.
- If you're using a new interest potion, please be sure that all of the traits stay the same. You will need other items listed above this section to adjust other things.
- When redesigning, please note that it can be completely redesigned, so long as it holds at least the same palette or traits as its original. You will need items listed above this section to adjust the Cloakat further.

- Redesigning Companions is fine so long as it still holds the integrity of the original design, either through palette or aesthetic.
- Companions don't need items to be redesigned.
- Companions have a sort of "mutation" potion that can be used to give them quirks their species usually doesn't have, this will be the only case an item is needed when remaking a premade companion's design.
- If submitting a companion with odd quirks, be sure to include the correct potion when initially submitting the design. (Pet potion of Oddities)

Species TOS
Artist TOS
Species Traits
MYO Trait Template

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.

<a href=" Nail Salon Visit" class="display-item">Mythic Nail Salon Visit</a>

Mythic Nail Salon Visit

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 375 Gratitude Shards

A Salon Visit that allows you to edit/add ONE (1) Mythic Rarity Claw trait to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add ONE trait of your choice from the Claw category.

Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

Uses: A MYO Editing Item for a players character.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Trinkets" class="display-item">Box of Trinkets</a>

Box of Trinkets

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 25 Gratitude Shards

A kit that allows you to add/edit accessories or trinkets to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add some accessories or trinkets of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED are allowed to use this item.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

TLDR: Adds This Trait (Common Trait: Accessories) to your Character



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" of Clothes" class="display-item">Box of Clothes</a>

Box of Clothes

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 25 Gratitude Shards

A kit that allows you to add/edit other clothing items or trinkets to your Cloakat.
This can be used to upgrade/downgrade or add some other clothing items of your choice.
Cloakats who can be LIGHTLY EDITED might need the artist asked if this is okay to be added to their creation.
Cloakats that cannot have a "New Interest" ticket applied to them, CANNOT use this item.

TLDR: Adds This Trait (Common Trait: Other Clothes) to your Character



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

Moving Boxes

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 250 Gratitude Shards

A set of moving boxes to help a Cloakat move out.

- This item allows the user to basically VOID a Cloakat but reuse the slot it was in at the same rarity of the slot.
- Loophole of using a single rarity potion to heighten the slots' rarity, then voiding it is not allowed.
- Voiding the previous Cloakat means it cannot be used in the species anymore and needs to be redesigned to not look similar to the species if it is to still be used outside the species. This is to avoid complications or confusion with other members. The entire aesthetic of the old Cloakat can be used as you want outside of the species, so long as its new visuals don't look like a Cloakat!
- Only the ARTIST of the slot can void the Cloakat, OR the owner of a design can ask the artist if they can void and reuse the slot. With proper permission, the slot can be reused by the owner that is not the artist. Proof is required when submitting a new design.

The new Cloakat to take its place can look however you want to, so long as it abides by Cloakat anatomy and its current highest rarity. It does NOT need to resemble the old Cloakat in any way.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Heart" class="display-item">Plush Heart</a>

Plush Heart

Artist: Clarrisa

Resale Value: 50 Gratitude Shards

An item you can turn in to create a unique skin for your collectable pet. This allows one to make their current companion art a plush pet variant.

- You need to own a companion first.
- You need to own a BASE pet collectable first, not a variant.
- This changes the skin of the pet collectable only.
- This item is to make a plush version of a companion you already own. Random designs will not be accepted.
- If the base companion is sold, the pet collectable's art will be converted back to its original art if not owned by the new owner.

How To:
- Follow owning the 2 items above first.
- Submit the art of your companion to the gallery in the Companion section (Needs to be TRANSPARENT, 200x200 px, and look like a plush or doll; stitches/joints etc.)
- Submit to Darling's Workshop Prompt to get the skin onto the BASE VARIANT of the pet collectable you own of the same species as the companion you own.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

<a href=" Adoption Ticket" class="display-item">Companion Adoption Ticket</a>

Companion Adoption Ticket


An Item a Cloakat can fill out and put their companion up for adoption at Darling's shop. Darling makes sure to take care of these companions very well before finding a new home for them.

An Item that allows a user to put their companion up for adoption to another user in the community.
This is for users to "forfeit" a created companion, a companion's unused slot, or a companion MYO item for a raffle to the community for whatever reason the user would like to rid the pet for.

Submit the companion in question for a "redesign" with this item attached, and we will acquire the design from you and raffle it off.
You can also use this item on blank slots and unused companion MYO items if you'd like to raffle these off as well. Just submit a prompt for it in Darlings Workshop to do so.
Let us know in the design update's comment section any reasoning or rules you'd prefer us to follow when raffling off your companion.



Can only be found via shops.

Purchaseable At:

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