
<a href="" class="display-item">Feathers</a>


Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Feathers found while foraging or from fighting a feral feathered creature. Sometimes feathered creatures can also randomly drop these feathers when they molt so they are generally a pretty commonly found material.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Hoof" class="display-item">Beast Hoof</a>

Beast Hoof

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A hoof collected from an animal or monster.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Scales" class="display-item">Bramboa Scales</a>

Bramboa Scales

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Scales or the shed skin of a Bramboa found by foraging or fighting a Bramboa.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Fang" class="display-item">Beast Fang</a>

Beast Fang

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A fang dropped by a fanged beast. Can be found while foraging or after a battle with a fanged monster.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Quills" class="display-item">Beast Quills</a>

Beast Quills

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Some quills found while foraging or by fighting a quilled beast. These can sometimes be plentiful, as Bristled Brewbax tend to drop them a lot if attacked or startled.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Claw" class="display-item">Beast Claw</a>

Beast Claw

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A claw harvested from an animal or beast.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href="" class="display-item">Bones</a>


Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Bones found while foraging from an animal long gone or from an animal you harvest.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href="" class="display-item">Horn</a>


Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A horn found by foraging or by harvesting it from an animal you've hunted or fought.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Pelt" class="display-item">Fur Pelt</a>

Fur Pelt

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A pelt found by foraging or dropped from an animal you've harvested or fought.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Shell" class="display-item">Empty Shell</a>

Empty Shell

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A Whelk Shell with a nice sheen to it. These are generally dropped by waltzing whelks around the area and are generally in very nice condition. Maybe you can find a use for it?

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Rhinophores" class="display-item">Vibrating Rhinophores</a>

Vibrating Rhinophores

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A set of rhinophores collected from a Tempo Slug or Waltzing Whelk. These creatures use them to sing and communicate by rapidly vibrating them to create pitches and tunes of noise. They still vibrate a bit, even after a little while after removing them. These can be found by fighting a Tempo Slug or Waltzing Whelk, or rarely found in the wild.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Tooth" class="display-item">Radula Tooth</a>

Radula Tooth

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A small harpoon-like tongue barb harvested from a Waltzing Whelk or Tempo Slug. They use these to harpoon prey, then of which they envenom to paralyze them for consumption. While this can be deadly to smaller creatures, larger sized animals and Cloakats seem to more so just get sick from these stings rather than pass. Smaller Cloakats have rarely been reported to pass from them, however an antivenom exists, so they are often saved from these stings and will not always pass so long as they are treated quickly. These radula teeth can sometimes be used on arrowheads to envenom smaller prey as well as be used in dart guns, but aren't as common as one would expect due to the creature owning it needing to be dead to harvest one. This item is unique to these two enemies. Can be found by encounters or by fighting a Waltzing Whelk or Tempo Slug but can rarely be found on shores or general saltwater areas.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Slime" class="display-item">Rhythmatic Slime</a>

Rhythmatic Slime

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A rather peculiar slime produced by Waltzing Whelks that is often used to keep them both lubricated and protected. It has poisonous properties and can often be fatal to very small creatures like bugs, reptiles, small mammals, small aquatic creatures, and more. It doesn't seem to harm Cloakat lethally, but will often leave them with a numbing or tingling sensation if left on the skin for too long. Some Cloakat will use this slime for exactly that in situations where numbing of the skin is needed, but they will first process it before application to remove any negative properties. The slime seems to have an odd, slightly webby texture and tends to glow faintly.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Wings" class="display-item">Lumis Wings</a>

Lumis Wings

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A pair of wings dropped by a Waning Lumis. Sometimes found through foraging, encounters, or battles. This item is unique to the Waning Lumis.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Dust" class="display-item">Lumis Dust</a>

Lumis Dust

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Some scaley dust left behind by a Waning Lumis. Can be found by foraging or fighting a Waning Lumis. This item is unique to the Waning Lumis.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Tooth" class="display-item">Beast Tooth</a>

Beast Tooth

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Some sharp teeth dropped by an animal, monster, or beast. You can get this item by foraging, encounters, or battling a toothed monster.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Anthers" class="display-item">Glowing Anthers</a>

Glowing Anthers

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

Anthers found while foraging or fighting a Moon Bloom. These small bulbs often attract bugs and is the good source of pollen. They have a unique luminous glow that attracts said bugs. They are sweet to the taste and are often eaten like snacks by Cloakats. However, this tends to make their mouths glow for a little bit. This item is unique to Moon Blooms.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Vine" class="display-item">Barbed Vine</a>

Barbed Vine

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A rose thorn-like vine found while foraging or fighting a Moon Bloom. These unique vine-like barbed tentacles are used in some Cloakat dishes, but they are more interested in the bulb of the Moon Bloom rather than their tentacles. These tentacles are used to grab small prey when they detect anything has touched their anthers. One whip from these vines will leaves you bouncing with pain as you try to pull the thorns out. This item is unique to Moon Blooms.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Steak" class="display-item">Bramboa Steak</a>

Bramboa Steak

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A piece of meat acquired by harvesting a Bramboas.
Generally these are only harvested from ethical sources or from ferals of its kind that attack a Cloakat first. Sometimes this meat can be harvested from recently deceased of its kind. There is a fine line between feral and companions of its kind and Cloakats recognize this line as well. Some small farmers or hunters might raise these specifically for their meat and produce, however.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

<a href=" Whelk Tail" class="display-item">Waltzing Whelk Tail</a>

Waltzing Whelk Tail

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A small piece of meat acquired by harvesting a Waltzing Whelk from its shell.
Generally these are only harvested from ethical sources or from ferals of its kind that attack a Cloakat first. Sometimes this meat can be harvested from recently deceased of its kind. There is a fine line between feral and companions of its kind and Cloakats recognize this line as well. Some small farmers or hunters might raise these specifically for their meat and produce, however. Waltzing Whelk meat can also be tricky to harvest due to their stingers and toxins, so usually a lot of experience is needed before you attempt to harvest one correctly, as harvesting it incorrectly can result in slight discomfort when consuming, numbness of the tongue, or temporary paralysis. Very small animals that eat this can also sometimes be fatal due to the toxins being stronger to those who are smaller in size.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

28 results found.