
Meat Food Box

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A Box containing 1–3 items related to materials you can use to craft.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via shops.

Fruit Food Box

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A Box containing 1–3 items related to materials you can use to craft.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via shops.

Vegetable Food Box

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A Box containing 1–3 items related to materials you can use to craft.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via shops.

Stat Potion Box

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A box that contains ONE (1) stat effecting potion.
Stat potions will permanently increase one of your Cloakat's stats by One (1) point.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via shops.

<a href=" Artist Grab Bag" class="display-item">Official Artist Grab Bag</a>

Official Artist Grab Bag

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A bag specifically for the Official Artists of the species.
When awarding this bag via the prompt, please review the person's status role here on the site to confirm they will receive the correct bag.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Exclusive to certain mods for their help.

<a href=" Blessing Grab Bag" class="display-item">Elders Blessing Grab Bag</a>

Elders Blessing Grab Bag

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A bag specifically for the Admin(s) of the species. Generally an owner-only bag.
When awarding this bag via the prompt, please review the person's status role here on the site to confirm they will receive the correct bag.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Exclusive to certain mods for their help.

<a href=" Guard Grab Bag" class="display-item">Forest Guard Grab Bag</a>

Forest Guard Grab Bag

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A bag specifically for the Forest Guards, or 'catch all' mods of the species. These will also generally be mods specifically in charge of helping around the discord as well. This is different from other hyper specific mod bags.
When awarding this bag via the prompt, please review the person's status role here on the site to confirm they will receive the correct bag.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Exclusive to certain mods for their help.

<a href=" Wallet" class="display-item">Small Wallet</a>

Small Wallet

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A small wallet that was lost or dropped by someone. These have a small amount of currency in them when opened.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via foraging and dungeons.

<a href=" Wallet" class="display-item">Large Wallet</a>

Large Wallet

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa


A large wallet that was lost or dropped by someone. These have a modest amount of currency in them when opened.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via foraging and dungeons.

Small Beast Trap

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa

A trap crafted by hand used to capture smaller animals and monsters. It is a bit inefficient and is often broken out of.
This trap type may fail, only leaving behind remanence of the item you used to set the trap, or something from the game you tried to catch.

Craft this item and then "set" the trap (open it) to a chance to drop animal byproducts/monster drops, pet collectibles, or a rare chance to drop a smaller sized companion's MYO item.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via crafting.

Medium Beast Trap

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa

A trap crafted by hand used to capture medium-sized animals and monsters. It is a bit inefficient and is sometimes broken out of.
This trap type may fail, only leaving behind remanence of the item you used to set the trap, or something from the game you tried to catch.

Craft this item and then "set" the trap (open it) to a chance to drop animal byproducts/monster drops, pet collectibles, or a rare chance to drop a medium-sized companion's MYO item.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via crafting.

Large Beast Trap

Category: Grab Bags

Artist: Clarrisa

A trap crafted by hand used to capture large-sized animals and monsters. It is an efficient trap, however, the beasts caught in it are generally strong enough to still get out.
This trap type may fail, only leaving behind remanence of the item you used to set the trap, or something from the game you tried to catch.

Craft this item and then "set" the trap (open it) to a chance to drop animal byproducts/monster drops, pet collectibles, or a rare chance to drop a large-sized companion's MYO item.

Uses: A box that can be opened to reveal its contents.



Can only be found via crafting.

32 results found.