
<a href=" Tooth" class="display-item">Radula Tooth</a>

Radula Tooth

Category: Monster Drops

Artist: Clarrisa

A small harpoon-like tongue barb harvested from a Waltzing Whelk or Tempo Slug. They use these to harpoon prey, then of which they envenom to paralyze them for consumption. While this can be deadly to smaller creatures, larger sized animals and Cloakats seem to more so just get sick from these stings rather than pass. Smaller Cloakats have rarely been reported to pass from them, however an antivenom exists, so they are often saved from these stings and will not always pass so long as they are treated quickly. These radula teeth can sometimes be used on arrowheads to envenom smaller prey as well as be used in dart guns, but aren't as common as one would expect due to the creature owning it needing to be dead to harvest one. This item is unique to these two enemies. Can be found by encounters or by fighting a Waltzing Whelk or Tempo Slug but can rarely be found on shores or general saltwater areas.

Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.



Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.

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