Tempo Slug Tail
A small piece of meat acquired by harvesting a Tempo Slug.
Generally these are only harvested from ethical sources or from ferals of its kind that attack a Cloakat first. Sometimes this meat can be harvested from recently deceased of its kind. There is a fine line between feral and companions of its kind and Cloakats recognize this line as well. Some small farmers or hunters might raise these specifically for their meat and produce, however. Tempo Slug meat can also be tricky to harvest due to their stingers and toxins, so usually a lot of experience is needed before you attempt to harvest one correctly, as harvesting it incorrectly can result in slight discomfort when consuming, numbness of the tongue, or temporary paralysis. Very small animals that eat this can also sometimes be fatal due to the toxins being stronger to those who are smaller in size.
Uses: This Item is a material used for Crafting.
Can only be found via foraging, encounters, or dungeons.