Cypress Mountains

Misc. Location

Can be home to characters.

A large range of mountains that span up the right-center of the island that seem to form the largest deposits of shards around the island.

These mountains are popular for their picture-esk tourist stops in and out of the mountainsides. Many "old school" and introverted Cloakat will live here to be away from others and live off the land. It is cold all year round. The mountains here seem to grow almost infinite deposits of gemstone that spire out of the mountains over time. No one knows exactly what, why, or how this happens. There is a rumor that the mountains themselves are gemstones too. Cypress Mountains also holds many mysteries as there are telltale signs of a previous species' residence in here among other areas on the island. There are a few mostly buried statues of some figures spread throughout the mountain as well as an ancient stairway that winds through the mountains. Some of these pathways branch out of convenience, but some even lead right into mountain walls, making Cloakat curious as to if there was a previous cave path in these areas.

Contains the following

Main Village Locations: Caves of Salem