Erdmann's Rest

Misc. Location inside Balsawood Village
Sub-area of Balsawood - The Life Tree Itself

A tree dating back thousands of years. It seems to have mystical properties, and the Cloakat tend to the tree whenever they see fit. It seems to attract a lot of lightning bugs at night, adding to its rather whimsical aura. The tree seems to give fruit all year round that is rather delicious to Cloakat. The fruits the tree bears tend to give Cloakat a sort of healing property upon consumption and are popular food for them to eat, especially when healing from any sort of injury or ailment. The tree seems to keep its leaves all year round, helping the Cloakat keep warm in the winter, and covered and cool in the summer. On the inside, it is a huge open cavern with a spiraling staircase going up the entire length of this massive tree. There are many bookshelves built right into the walls with a millennia of knowledge in their shelves. Many recesses and alcoves are on the staircase going the way up, generally housing guards as well as having general amenity rooms like kitchens, restrooms, livingroom, entertainment rooms, and more. At the very top of the stairs leaves into what's called "Esprit's Hallow", this location yields The Elder Bat's quarters as well as other bats rooms.

Contains the following

Misc. Location: Esprit's Hallow