Esprit's Hallow

Misc. Location inside Erdmann's Rest
Inside Erdmann's Rest

Inside Erdmann's Rest
This is inside the highest reaches of the tree. Here resides The Elder Bat's Quarters among other important locations. The Elder Bat can most commonly be found here as to watch over the entire island. Esprit's Hallow specifically is the treetops of the world tree and seems to give off an almost otherworldly ethereal mist. Many fireflies float about the limbs of the tree and the world below seems to almost be hidden by this intriguing mist. Cloakat say the Lyre fruit picked from these misty areas seem to have the most sweet and healing properties of all. The mist, itself almost seems sentient as it seems to clear the way wherever a creature's gaze lies. Many flying and climbing creatures with passive natures will also live up in these branches as it seems to support everything they need to live without straying too far. Many Cloakat also say it feels almost like a dream if they are in this area for too long. Strangely enough, from the forest floor, this mist seemingly isn't present at all when looking up. Cloakat say its a trick of the eye as the tree from the forest floor doesn't quite match up with how it looks when actually up there. No Cloakat seems to live in this area as it seems offlimits unless given special permissions or when working for The Elder Bat. He, himself, seems to claim he doesn't live in the tree at all, which makes many wonder where he may actually reside once the day ends.