

Kitano Flame Wraith

What are Kitano?
Kitano are a dog-like species of demon that is typically visually a hybrid of a fox/dog and rodent, who have the ability to turn into pure fire, or lay dormant to rest or heal. These creatures are very Docile yet a little skittish. They are not naturally aggressive but also keep their distance as they are often sought after by societal creatures for their powers. Kitano often are compared to a spiritual guide, as they seem to have a quirk of helping guide creatures out of locations that are hard to leave or navigate through, and with their 3rd eye, they seem to be able to perceive a lot more than a decent amount of creatures around it would. Kitano are hard to sneak up on due to this magical 3rd eye and their keen sense of hearing. They do not generally attack when startled, but rather would escape if facing danger. When in a tough situation, they may take their "ethereal" form to escape as quickly as possible by turning into pure flame and flying off rather quickly. If they are wounded or need rest, they will become their "dormant" state, where of which they turn to stone, such as a gargoyle does, and rest within their Spirit Vessel. The stone they form when in this state seems very hard to chip, but CAN break, if this happens, it will hard the Kit when going back into this form, so sometimes they may need extended dormancy to heal. They will often find abandoned or generally safe enclosed locations to go dormant in to avoid this issue. They have the ability to sleep out of this form, but prefer this form over a natural sleep, it seems.

Species Name: Kitano, sometimes also called a Kit Demon

Pronunciation: Key-tah-No

Species Type: Hybrid demon; Closest to a Dog, Rat, and Gargoyle

Creation Year: February 2024

Click this to review a general FAQ of most questions and info regarding Kitano!

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♦️ How do I get one?
Kitano adopts or MYOs can be acquired for purchase from the site for shards or for USD. They can also be given out randomly or for raffles.

♦️ What traits can I give my Kitano naturally?
- Clothes and Accessories
- Different shaped tails so long as a spirit vessel can be attached to its tip. Default shape is a thin bald rat-like tail or no tail at all if it has a vessel on its collar (neck). Its vessel is required to either be on its tail, collar, ear (one), or nose tip.
- Different eyes and eye shapes.
- 3 Eyes is default. More eyes or less eyes needs a potion.
- Different "heat vent" shapes, so long as it can round the collar of the Kitano.
- Objects on body so long as it doesn't mimic elements like nature (excess flowers/plants) and other things or mimics food body (frosting/drizzle etc.)
- Paw Pads and differently shaped paw pads, or 3-5 toes if wanted.
- Claws if wanted
- Fur shapes/patterns
- Any colored fires.
- Any shaped spirit vessel so long as it looks like a lantern in some way that can hold a flame + has a fire in it.
- burs, nubs, and spikes
- horns (2 set max)
- glowing texture on exposed fire parts
- Flame vents can also by on other parts of its body in most shapes and sizes. Just make sure the color of the flame in their vessel is the same color as their vents, as this is what causes the colors of their vents since they contain fire.
- Can be selectively on fire in different parts of its body so long as this isn't used to majorly alter its appearance.

♦️ What traits require a Pet Potion of Oddities to add to my Kitano?
- another head (3 max) Kitano with more heads may have more spirit vessels, which increases their life power. You need 1 potion per head.
- another tail (3 max) Kitano with more heads may have more spirit vessels, which increases their life power. You need 1 potion per tail.
- wings (1 set max)
- another set of arms or legs (1 extra set max of a Choice of arms OR legs)
- other fur types that aren't fur
- elemental or crystal textures that aren't fire/stone
- multiple eyes (10 extra max)
- antlers and halos (1 set max, 1 halo max)
- glitchy textures
- ooze/slime texture
- more transparent textures or bones if wanted
- change the tail type from the typical "Kitano" shape. (Highly Depends)
- food textures and parts

♦️ What are the absolute requirements for a Kitano anatomically speaking?
Head - a mask-like face, 3 eyes, sharply hooked muzzle, fox or dog-like ears that aren't droopy. horns are optional but common.
Arms - toe beans. 3-5 toes. Usually has very large arms while back legs are smaller.
Legs - toe beans, 3-5 toes, digitigrade.
Body - feral dog-like with a larger chest and smaller hip area.
Tail - rat-like and/or bald in appearance. burs, nubs, spikes are all optional. "rat lines" are optional.
Other - Their spirit vessel is required to be on one of these locations: one of their ears, tail tip, collar (back), or nose tip. the vessel can be any shape so long as it looks like some sort of attached lantern with a fire in it.
Other - Their neck is required to be very fat in appearance and have "vents on them that bubble outwards. the shape is eye shaped by default but you can make it another shape so long as it glows/looks like it has fire in it.
Other - All fire parts (fire in vessel, neck vents or vents on other parts of the body, as well as their ethereal form) should all be consistently the same fire color in some way.

♦️What Isn't allowed when making a Kitano?
- The first would be exceeding the limitations listed above in the guideline about what is naturally allowed for a Picayune, which also goes for the limitations of what's able to be added via potions.
- Traits: Alternating Appendages, Dominic's Binding, Cavemind. More may be added if something is considered "too OP"
- Most rules with Cloakats non-stackable traits go for companions as well.
- Other Elemental powers unless the companion has the matching elemental parts (required another potion to add powers)
- Changing their height with a potion to be outside what is considered normal.
- Changing their mask shape to not be hooked.
- Making the neck skinny
- No vents or spirit vessel

♦️ Is there a gender difference?
No. If you own one, that is for you to decide if you want them to look like any societal gender at all.

♦️ Can I Dress up my Kitano?
Typically wild Kitano will not wear clothes at all. They might occasionally wear some accessories or slight bits of clothes in captivity or on their own accord, but it is not entirely common due to the overheating aspect. Please note that an application of clothes cannot be used in place of mimicking the Pet Potion of Oddities traits, we will kindly ask you to remove the accessories or clothes if they end up mimicking potion traits. Kitano's Spirit Vessel technically doesn't count as an accessory since its an integral part of them.

♦️ Can my Kitano be a different body type?
Yes, so long as you still to the anatomy guidelines, you can make them more plumped out, or whatever body part like the legs/arms shorter, longer, or thicker.
You can also make them super fuzzy or puffy in appearance, this might help fit for certain aesthetics, or make one fit for the winter. The default body type is just generally top heavy. Neck is required to be large, however.

♦️ What if I want to give my Kitano scars or missing parts?
You can absolutely do this within reason, we don't want like- a headless or floating limb Kitano running around scaring the cloakids or anything, though.

♦️ Can I change the "mask" of my Kitano?
Yes and no. So long as it has the sharply hooked face and 3 eyes, you're welcome to do other tweaks, like adding horns, whiskers, and other things. Just ask!

♦️ Can I change the "tail" of my Kitano?
With a potion, yes! The Kitano tail is usually a bald rat-like tail with a vessel at its tip, but you can give it a few shaped, bends, crooks, burs, nubs, or spikes if wanted, so long as it looks tapered in shape and bald-like by default. If you want a sharply different table, this would require a potion, however. Patterning doesn't HAVE to look like a rat texture, any pattern and texture is fine so long as it looks tapered and skinny by default. EX: If you want a more dog-like tail with fur, that needs a potion!

♦️ Can I make the neck skinnier?
Sorry, no! Kitano have this as part of their unique identifier. They will generally always keep a bit of oxygen in their flame sack to convert to flames as a defense mechanism. They usually inflate their neck via pulling in air to blow larger lengths of flames, so a large neck is integral to hold more chemicals in it. They can also use this reserve of oxygen if running out of air for any reason, like if they go diving for fish as food.

♦️ Where can I put my Kitano's Vessel?
The Kitanos Vessel is usually stored on one place at a time unless it has multiple heads or tails. These locations include its collar (neck), mask tip (nose), One of its ears at a time, or its tail tip. Other locations require a potion, or you can ask. Just make sure the vessel is obvious and visible on its reference sheet/masterlist image.

♦️ How long do Kitano live?
Generally about 100 years or a little more naturally. They can gain up to 3 tails with age, showing an increase in their spiritual power. However, some Kitano may not have a tail at all, which doesn't impact their power reserves at all. If a Kitano is powerful enough, these tails may gain another vessel, lengthening the Kit's life by roughly 50 years per each extra vessel. Extra heads on a Kit may do the same thing if each head also sports a vessel.

♦️ Can my Kitano be made of different materials?
Kitano naturally have 3 forms, Base Form, Ethereal, and Dormant. In their natural form, they are furred with fire parts. In Ethereal form, they are all fire, and in their dormant form, they are made of stone. If you'd like to have any materials outside the mentioned materials of each for, it would need a potion.

♦️ What are the limits on coloring a Kitano?
Kitano can be any color you'd like for them to be so long as it doesn't mimic other elements without the use of a potion. Just as well, make sure that if you have inspiration for a Kitano that is not a carbon copy of the existing copywritten character and is changed in some way. Kitano fur is NOT animate in any way outside their flames animation. You can also make them look imaginary, like the aesthetics of different things such as vaporwave, gamer-inspired, webcore, etc. Some things may need potions, however.

♦️ Can my Kitano have powers?
Yes, this is limited to fire and spiritual-related powers unless you use a potion to give them another visual element with a power to match.
You're welcome to give them a weapon, but please note that they are feral and you need to consider how they would handle a weapon properly.

♦️ Can Kitano speak?
Yes, they can speak telepathically, but do not visually move their mouths to talk. They can speak in fluent tongues of choice.

♦️ Do Kitano migrate and where do they usually live?
They will usually migrate if food is scarce, but will otherwise be in less populated locations where a Cloakat would less likely be seen. They are most commonly found in Lotus Grove and Scoria's Crag, but can also be found almost anywhere around the island so long as they're aren't many others around. They adapt for the winter and do not migrate due to weather.

♦️ Can my Kitano have different eyes?
Yup, go for it. Their default amount is 3 eyes, default shape is a slanted sleek look, and default eye type is pupilless, but pupils, lack of pupils, eye color, and pupil shape are not traited. You can make them all different colors if wanted too!

♦️ If someone made a specific aesthetic, theme, or character (inspired) Kitano, can I still make that subject as a Kitano too?
If a design based on a thing/aesthetic is made into a Kitano, you are welcome to make that aesthetic or character inspired of Kitano as well, so long as you're not stealing the same exact design from the other person or copywritten character. Please change enough things like symbols, colors, accessories, or markings if you want a similar Kitano as someone else. We might ask you to change anything if the design you based on another person's design or a copywritten character is too obvious!

♦️ What are the predators and prey of Kitano?
- Sooted Fluxwing (They will generally hunt them for their metal parts only)

- Bramboa
- Moon Bloom
- Picayune
- Waltzing Whelks
- Waning Lumis

Note, Kitano are not naturally aggressive. They hunt the prey mentioned for food, but never for sport. The smaller the better.

♦️ How big are Kitano?
Kitano can be anywhere between 2-4ft tall.
They can be between 2-4ft long without a tail, or the tail can give them an extra 4-8ft in length.

♦️ What is the mannerisms of a Kitano?
Kitano are a bit skittish and standoffish and don't pose a threat. They'd rather run than fight if needed. They will generally be very shy around other creatures, but if they know they can help something that in turn helps themselves, they will do so. For the most part, they stay out of trouble, so to speak, and have very little enemies due to their generally docile mannerisms. As a companion to a Cloakat, they are incredibly loyal and may even go as far as give their life to protect their owner.

♦️ What are the eating mannerisms of a Kitano?
They eat meat mostly, but also consume insects. They will sometimes also graze on a seafood or plant diet if wanted or needed.
They only hunt for food and eat what they need, no more. They prefer not to waste and will often burry their kill if they don't finish it. They are not picky eaters as anything they consume becomes fuel for their internal fire and comes out as ash. So if you find ash in a weird place. You probably dont' want to touch it..

♦️ Can I make my Kitano look Distorted like from lore?
At the moment, this isn't possible until we work out more of the story and let the members learn more about the distorted. Canon appearing Distorted looking companions will not be accepted on the masterlist at this time, but may be in the future. It is also worth noting that a creature being distorted is a permanent effect and cannot be reversed, even if this has an "alt form" tab on the masterlist images for entries, it is more-so to show the before and after effects of a distorted creature.

♦️ Can my Kitano have different colored flames?
Absolutely, go for it.

♦️ Can I make a Kitano based on my own OC/sona/Cloakat?
Absolutely, go for it. In this house, we love a mini-me pet!

♦️ Can my Kitano have different ears?
They cannot. They must remain foxlike in appearance.

♦️ Did anything inspire the Kitano?
The Bellowback from Horizon: Zero Dawn, Rodents, Kitsune, Gargoyles, spirits, and guardian-like creatures in mythology/fairytales. (Mostly the first 3)

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