
Waltzing Whelk

Waltzing Whelk Tempo Toxin

What are Waltzing Whelks?
Waltzing Whelk are snail-like creatures who love to live by freshwater sources. While it is rare to find versions that can do salt water, it is not unheard of. Waltzing Whelk's tend to stay by pondsides or other water sources and stand on their hind legs, then vibrating their antennae letting out a small tune as they seemingly squeak and sing to draw in prey like small insects and other small creatures to consume as if using a sirens song. Usually, this tune is better heard by smaller creatures and is also more intense for smaller creatures, so it doesn't generally affect bigger creatures in such a hypnotic way. They will also use these songs to attract others of their kind to befriend or court with. Waltzing Whelk's also have a barb in place of their tongue that has a small hollow point that they use to inject prey with venom to help make their meals easy to consume, this barb can sometimes be used as a resource by Cloakats as well as their venom or slime they emit, which also has toxic properties that act as a numbing agent to help Cloakat with various medicinal purposes. Waltzing Whelk's are generally very tame but rather skittish, so catching one can be tricky as they're fast once in the water, even for their small plump size. You will also have to watch out as they're both venomous and slimy when attempting the catch and will "bite" when threatened. Waltzing Whelk are also very much so interested in tunes and songs in general so sometimes playing some sort of melody might catch one's interest, they might even catch on and sing as well. They are good with mimicry and will sometimes sing tunes and sounds they hear around them as well, often making their own songs in the process. While they're good with mimicry, their humanoid language learning is a little finicky, and while they CAN be taught humanoid language, it's often hard to fully understand as their voices might be small and hard to hear. Teaching a Waltzing Whelk to do various things is also possible. They all have a strip going down both sides of their body, starting from their mouth and trailing down to the tip of their tail and up the other side. This strip on their body is their venom gland, so to speak, and will generally look like it's glowing or has a sort of electric texture underneath. This gland will also yank, jiggle, wiggle, and jolt when they speak, almost like audio waves. Removing this gland much like a shrimp's vein is important when wanting to consume one as not removing them can cause pain and discomfort when eating.

[Waltzing Whelk Info]

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