Trait Categories


These traits can affect one or ALL parts of the body as all body parts are compatible with these traits. This is comparable to the skin section traits but put here to reduce the redundancy of other sections.

All overarching traits can be used as you please so long as it maintains the integrity of what anatomically makes a Cloakat, a Cloakat.

It's important to note that each of these traits can affect the cloak as well, so things like clothes mostly made of gems, metals, or elements have to be regulated by traits like the ones in this section.

Clarification: These traits are compatible with: Hair type/style, Skin texture, Ears, Head, Teeth, Tongue, Body, Legs, Feet, Arms, Claws, Tail, and Wings.
If a trait is marked "Standard" please leave it on their traits list by default unless another trait in the section overtakes the trait.

Body Specific Rules:
- The body can be any shape so long as it stays on model to the integrity of what a Cloakat generally looks like; skinny, average, fat, muscular, etc.

- The body can't be drawn in a way that feeds into a fetish.

- Cloakats are not long-torso'd since they're rarely over 4FT, they have very squat proportions. Do not make a Cloakat's torso long in appearance, please.


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