Trait Categories


Color-Specific Rules:
- Any color or pattern is welcome on the skin/fur of the Cloakat within reason.
- Examples for things fine: single color, more than one color, most any patterns.

Things not allowed unless given the proper trait: 
- Animated skins, textures, or patterns without a higher rarity trait.
- Do not give it a fur pattern that is used to mimic another trait higher than its current rarity or eye-shaped patterns. (Like elemental textures)
- Elemental patterns on the Cloakat's skin needs it to have said element as its power or elemental parts trait to have a mostly elemental pattern. Small callouts or single-time use single pattern (1) is fine on the cloak or clothes, so long as it isn't rendered in such a way it looks real.
- Clear (see-through) Cloakats are not allowed unless you use traits like "inanimate skin" (see-through plastic), ghost/ecto-bone skin. Guts of the Cloakat generally aren't visible unless given a horror theme or undead skin.
- Color shifting, even if you have a chameleon or otherwise color-shifting bat, is not allowed without the appropriate trait. (Alt Palette or animated skin trait)

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