Trait Categories

Power Limits

Each Cloakat is has a limited amount of powers they are able to control, generally the amount of power a Cloakat can weild is determined by their overall rarity. This also helps limit the possibility of "god modding" in the community, especially when battling vs other CLoakats is taken into consideration. This is solomnely for balancing purposes.


*Cloakats live in a world built for battle, although they keep themselves generally away from this, they often have powers for battle or generally useful purposes in their community.

*If power is being chosen by a client for their Cloakat, It HAS to make some sort of sense in relation to the Bat. I.E: A Cloakat themed around the sea/ocean generally shouldn't have FIRE powers.

*Please only choose powers that make sense, you don't HAVE to choose as many powers as possible for your rarity of Cloakats limit of powers. these are limits, not mandatory. Powers that don't make sense or without explanation might be rejected to prevent "god-modding".

*Cloakats Cannot Transform or Shapeshift.

*Cloakats Cannot have powers that change their size.

*Rarity of Cloakat indicates the limited number of powers they can have at one given time. This limit is put in place to prevent potential "god-modding"

*The number of powers includes the default flying power. Please include the flying power on your cloakat as a mandatory power. All Cloakat can float/fly.

*If a trait is marked "Standard" please leave it on their traits list by default unless another trait in the section overtakes the trait. If you "sacrifice" your Cloakats ability to fly, youre welcome to choose another power in its place, otherwise, flying powers are manditory and cannot be "cheesed" with spactial, wind, time, thematical, or other powers/objects that allow your Cloakat to fly.

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