
Bat Wings

Bat Wings (Common)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's wing type is by default like that of a bat. Any bat-shaped wing is fine. You can even shoot for dragon-like if you wish.
For shredded wings, use overarching trait scars and scratches!

Angelic Wings

Angelic Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has feathered wings of any kind. Angel, bird, etc.

Retractable Wings

Retractable Wings (Uncommon)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloak has wings that are retractable or seem to "spawn when needed".

Insect Wings

Insect Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that resemble that of an insect's wings. Any kind of insect wing is fine.

Aquatic Wings

Aquatic Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that are aquatic-like in quality. Can be like a manta ray or otherwise fishy-like look.

Odd Wings

Odd Wings (Epic)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

Odd Wings are any wings not traditionally mentioned previously. They can be just about any design within reason. Can be combined with the overarching trait "inanimate parts + textures" or is on a similar par with this trait to make about anything a wing. Generally, this trait is to cover wing types not previously mentioned.


Multi-Winged (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has up to 2 sets tops of wings on its body. Can be any wing previously mentioned so long as they match/are symmetrical in some way. 

This trait cannot be stacked.

Seraphim Wings

Seraphim Wings (Mythic)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has 3-5 sets of wings total. Can be any wing previously mentioned, and can be mixed and matched if wanted. 

This trait cannot be stacked.

Batty Ears

Batty Ears (Epic)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

Exactly that. Just like the "Feathered" angelic variation of this, except the ears are replaced with a small set of bat wings. These wings tend to relax in a closed position that covers where a set of non-existent eyes would be on the Bat. This is ONE set of wings but can be stacked with "Multi-Winged" to have 1-3 sets of wings. This is exclusive to being only bat-like wings.

Angelic Ears

Angelic Ears (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

Angelic fluffy wing-ears. These wings tend to relax in a closed position that covers where a set of eyes would be on the Bat. This is ONE set of wings but can be stacked with "Multi-Winged" to have 1-3 sets of wings. This is exclusive to being only feathered wings.

Bow Wings

Bow Wings (Event - Winter)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports a set of wings that represents a bow/ribbon (tied bow/ribbon)
This trait also has to correspond with wing size rarity.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Holly Wings

Holly Wings (Event - Winter)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports a set of wings that represents holly leaves and its berries at the base of the wings between the shoulder blades. This trait also has to correspond with wing size rarity.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.


Tailwind (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's tail is replaced with a single wing the same size as the tail usually is. This wing's size will be dictated by the tails section of (Standard, Nub, Cropped, and Rapunzel) to change its size. This Trait can be combined with other wing shapes if the person so pleases to change it. The wing tail is very large by default. Not compatible with retractable wings. Not compatible with Multi Wing/Seraphim.

Trait Idea by User Kags

Digit Wings

Digit Wings (Common)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

A Cloakat that has claw finger-like appendages between its webbing of wings.

Skeletal Wings

Skeletal Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that are a skeletal frame of a set of wings. Can be any wing shape within reason. Not compatible with Aquatic Wings, Angelic Ears (Since Batty Ears would look the same as a skeletal frame), Tailwind, and Odd Wings.

Web Wings

Web Wings (Event - Fall)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

A pair of dragon/bat-like wings that, instead of having normal webbing, they have literal webbing, like that of a spider's web. You can choose to include a few spiders or other small things trapped on the webbing within reason and so long as it doesn't mimic other traits. Cannot be combined with other wing shapes.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Petal Wings

Petal Wings (Event - Spring)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Wings of a Cloakat resemble any flower petals within reason. They will generally have a few "sets" of petals, but generally have 1 set of large petals, or 2 sets where they 4 total petals can resemble butterfly wings in shape.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

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