
Average Height (M)

Average Height (M) (Standard)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

2'6"-2'11"ft | ~76-89cm

Cloakats are naturally short when compared to humans.

Taller Than Average Height (L)

Taller Than Average Height (L) (Common)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

3'0"-3'5"ft | ~91-104cm

Short Height (S)

Short Height (S) (Uncommon)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

2'0"-2'5"ft | ~61-74cm

Very Short Height (XS)

Very Short Height (XS) (Rare)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

1'6"-1'11"ft | ~46-58cm

Mini Height (XXS)

Mini Height (XXS) (Epic)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

1'0"-1'5" ft | ~30-45cm
Cloakats of this height are set to a unique chibi-body style. Please remember to follow the specific shape of this height trait proportion style when choosing this trait.

Very Tall Height (XL)

Very Tall Height (XL) (Legendary)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

3'6"-4'5"ft | ~107-135cm

Incredibly Tall Height (XXL)

Incredibly Tall Height (XXL) (Mythic)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

4'6"-5'0"ft | ~136-152cm

The Elder Bat's Height

The Elder Bat's Height (Anomaly)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

A height exclusive to The Elder Bat.
7ft | 214cm

8 results found.