
Lunar Based Powers (Epic)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat is charged by the moon, this is weakened in more well-lit places, very hot locations or during the daytime. It can best be described as the WATER, MENTAL and STRENGTH powers combined with a sprinkle of other lunar-based powers. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Light Based Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat possesses light-related powers. These can be from casting and light to using light to transport just itself (it can move at "light speed" when needed, it cannot move through shadows or use the light speed powers during the night) (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Shadow Based Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

 The Cloakat can create and manipulate shadows as a physical being. it can pull its own shadow from the floor and make it mimic its own motions or do what it does. The more the locations lack light, the more strong the manipulated shadows can do, or the more things the Cloakat can do in the shadows. Like their light counterpart, shadow-based powers can travel incredibly fast by melding into shadow and transporting through shadow to another location. A Cloakat can only use this power if enough light is absent or if they move under many things shadows in the daylight. If there is a break in the shadows, the Cloakat reverts to normal speed until back in the shadows. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Invisibility Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has the ability to go partially or fully invisible for brief periods of time. Many Cloakat's who DO possess this very rare power often are malicious or are tricksters. Note that sometimes this power has flaws, sometimes having either small periods of time before the power can be used again or some sort of effect on the invisible body, like a distorted area where the body would be standing. In more funny instances, some Cloakat's external clothes might not go invisible with them, or their innards like their smiles/mouths still might show. All Cloakat's experience with this power is varied and unique but never overpowered.

Time Based Powers (Mythic)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat possesses time-altering powers. Generally, it can slow down or speed up time to benefit itself. (This does not include traveling to the past/future, this just allows the Cloakat to alter its perception of time to slow down or speed up events when needed)This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!

Spatial Powers (Mythic)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can bend space. This usually mostly means teleportation to anywhere but can be limited depending on the energy and geographical knowledge of the Cloakat. Basically, the more the Cloakat studies its world and surroundings and increases its energy levels, the better its power is. This can also include a more high-powered Space wielder having the ability to summon stars or black holes. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

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