
Hollow Bunny

Hollow Bunny (Event - Spring)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has a hollow body that is made of chocolate. this can be dark, milk, or white chocolate (or mixed).
The Cloakat can also appear to be smashed or cracked in places if wanted.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Beach Floaty

Beach Floaty (Event - Summer)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has a beach floatie-like plastic skin on one or more if not all of its body. This can be solid plastic or see-through plastic. The Cloakat must have the floaty's "seams" and seamline stretch marks.  The blow nozzle is optional, but cannot be in a "weird" place if added. The Cloakat being made of this material cannot be popped with ease as one would expect from this material for the sake of balancing via battles.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.


Blacktop (Event - Summer)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports asphalt-like skin, usually in the same shades as a blacktop/road (light grey to pitch black) where its designs can change according to the chalk it uses on itself. The Cloakat can draw/write different words/patterns etc. on itself and can be washed off with water or smudged by the hand. The patterns must look like they're made of chalk and be a canon chalk color (basically whitish or pastel colors) The patterns are totally up to you, and you can mix different asphalt colors for different parts of the body if you want. You can also make only SOME parts of its body asphalt if you want.
Not compatible with Animated Fur. Not compatible with Alt Palette.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Scarecrow Skin

Scarecrow Skin (Event - Fall)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

This trait can work in 2 ways:

- The Cloakat looks like it's made of straw/has a straw texture.
- The Cloakat looks like it is made of cloth/burlap and is stuffed with straw

It can have singular parts MADE of straw if wanted (like only the tail, for example) and can also have patches of different clothes on its body if wanted.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.


Wick (Event - Fall)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's skin seems to be made of candlewax and drips a little. It sports 1-3 lit wicks somewhere on its body, by default it is 1 wick on the head. It seems to forever burn and drip wax while not losing body mass. Can be any color so long as it's slightly shiny in texture, does not look furry, drips wax, and has a wick.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Gingerbread Parts

Gingerbread Parts (Event - Winter)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can have parts or its whole body made of gingerbread cookies. Their frosting patterns can be any you like. They can have other gingerbread things on/attached to them like gumdrops, gram crackers, candy canes, M&M-like candy (non-logo), and other traditional gingerbread candies. The Cloakat can also look cracked/chipped in texture if wanted. The candies on its body have to stay consistent and cannot be changed.

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.


Snowman (Event - Winter)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat appears to be made of snow.
For ease of technicalities in fights, the Snowman skin cannot be melted but can eternally drip or dust snowflakes off.
Fire attacks WILL technically hurt it, however. The snowman-like skin cannot change shape.

They can have these optionally if wanted:
- A carrot nose
- Wooden arms (Arms/claws ONLY) 
- Leaves
- Coal pieces on the body to make patterns (You can make coal eyes, but the eyes cannot animate/move)
- Other traditional snowman things like a scarf, pipe, or hat if wanted (hood still required)

Event traits are easily mimicked by combining regular traits, please refrain from doing this. We understand that it is easy to just do this, but event traits exist sheerly for fun purposes, like having unique traits pop up around certain holidays to have something cool to look forward to.

Glitchy Parts and Textures

Glitchy Parts and Textures (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's body/skin, or parts seem to glitch or pixelize here and there in different ways. This can be from error code or twitching bits. This cannot be used to look like other traits when shifting parts of the Cloakat. The skin can be compared to TV static and has the ability to digitally distort with a particle effect or can have RGB/CYMK outlines and can move/distort. Cloakats with this skin trait need electric powers by default. This is generally for webcore/liminal designs and can be paired with Mech N' Tech to make glitchy facial interfaces, on its own, it generally won't alter the Cloakat's facial expressions etc.


Chimerism (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

A Cloakat that has a palette that is split down the middle where both sides could be vastly different, or subtly. The Cloakat can sometimes have 1-3 total traits different on each side if wished, however, this is not compatible with hivemind/alt palette.

Left side can be white with strips
Right side can be black with spots

Example 2:
Left side can be white with halo trait, feathered wings, and feathered fur
Right side can be black with horned trait, scaled skin, and bat wings

So each side can be as different as you want them to be, but the difference in traits (if you want each side to have different traits) can be UP TO 3 traits per each side.
You can also use this just to have a chimera split of fur color as splitting up traits on each side is not manditory, just a nice option.

Credit to Nova for this trait Idea.

Animated Fur

Animated Fur (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has fur that can animate in one way or another. This generally means that spatial textures can swirl around, or be paired with Mech N' Tech and allow the Cloakat to have an animated interface, Can also allow symbols or tattoos to lightly shift, etc. Can also be used to make 2-3 frame animated skin as if the Cloakat is in a cartoon like Ed Edd N' Eddy etc. (Cannot be used to make an alternate palette, just subtle shifts and changes aesthetically related to the Cloakat)

Not compatible with:
- Alt Palette if used to change the patterns. floating/flowing/pulsing patterns that DONT change is fine.
- Blacktop
- False eye markings
- Masked

Trait Idea by User Ferret-Specialist and then Expanded upon by User NovaisColddd

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