

Chimerism (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

A Cloakat that has a palette that is split down the middle where both sides could be vastly different, or subtly. The Cloakat can sometimes have 1-3 total traits different on each side if wished, however, this is not compatible with hivemind/alt palette.

Left side can be white with strips
Right side can be black with spots

Example 2:
Left side can be white with halo trait, feathered wings, and feathered fur
Right side can be black with horned trait, scaled skin, and bat wings

So each side can be as different as you want them to be, but the difference in traits (if you want each side to have different traits) can be UP TO 3 traits per each side.
You can also use this just to have a chimera split of fur color as splitting up traits on each side is not manditory, just a nice option.

Credit to Nova for this trait Idea.

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