
Crystal Based Elemental Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can control, gather and summon gem-based minerals. They can call all of one or multiple gem spires, or launch shards of gems. They can cast energy into crystals as well, so if a cloakat agrees to give some of its power of a certain element, the Cloakat can form a small elemental shard to cast a low-level elemental attack on its enemies. A Cloakat can use an elemental shard to cast fire, water, and nature-based weak attacks on others, or if they also wield "Magick Based" powers, they can also cast elemental shards of wind, electricity, ice, earth, and metal-based powers as well at a slightly stronger level. Some Cloakats form crystal powers around their interest for their currency (Gratitude Shards), but a natural forming shard and a Cloakat-formed shard can be told apart by a keen eye or if looked at with a refractometer (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

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