
Echo Form

Echo Form (Standard)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

All Cloakat have the ability to transform between their Cloakat form and a Bat form, much like a movie vampire would go between humanoid and bat. The bat form must resemble the Cloakat form in some way and be obvious. (Example: You can't add or remove so many traits/visuals that the bat looks very little to nothing like their Cloakat form.) The Echo form can have some or ALL the traits present in its Cloakat form, so long as it's still definably the same character. If something doesn't translate well to the Cloakat's Echo Form, they can be removed for simplicity.

Please remember to follow these general guides when creating your Cloakat's Echo Form:
- Drawing this form for your ML entry isn't manditory, but if you plan to create an echo form post-creation, please submit it for approval to the masterlist and we can add it to the characters masterlist entry.
- You can create a Cloakats masterlist entry using its echo form only as a base and make the Cloakat variant another time, however, it cannot remain without a Cloakat form forever.
- Posting to the masterlist with the echo form only also required all of its Cloakat form traits to be present when submitting initially. Please be sure to plan its traits out!
- Echo form is to remain plantigrade.
- The 3 fingers and 1 thumb claw carries over to the echo form. They should have a thumb to grab with, and 3 wing joints with claws at their tips.
- Traits of the Cloakat form can carry to the Echo Form.
- You can remove traits to simplify the echo form but Cannot add traits that don't exist on the Cloakat form.
- The Echo Form is to have a cuff on its neck to represent the hood from behind, unless your Cloakat lacks a hood.
- The Echo Form is required to have pockets (marsupial pouch).
- The tail remains on the Echo Form.
- Wings connect to the Cloakats sides like a natural bat's would, they do not come out of the shoulder/back, etc.
- Patterns and other things cannot be vastly different between Cloakat and echo form. It has to definably be the same creature between both forms.
- When in the Echo Form, the Cloakat's size will be between 3–12 inches (~8-30 cm) tall with a wingspan of 8–32 inches (~20-81 cm) wide.
- This information could be subject to change, editing, or additions onto if new questions that are relevant arise.

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