
Standard Cloak

Standard Cloak (Standard)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

All Cloakats cloaks involve some kind of hood or another. The cloak will be standardly long-sleeved and appear to tuck into the claw's starting point. The outfit can be just about anything with the previous guidelines. Their cloaks can be lifted to reveal their back/chest but cannot be removed. Their Cloak (Or "clothes") generally reflect the Cloakat's hobbies, interests, or talents in some way shape or form, even if subtle or through colors. The Cloakat's attached cloak is generally a much tougher material than standard clothes, often compared to Kevlar in toughness while still looking like normal materials. This is where the defense aspect of their clothes comes into play. Most Cloakat, if not all, also have some sort of hoodie pocket of some kind on their cloak, if it is now externally visible, a Cloakat will always have an internal pocket inside their cloak to hold their pups in (Like a marsupial's pouch) Please note that the Cloak is also governed by the "overarching traits" section to a point, so please be courteous when creating the cloak of the Cloakat as cloaks mostly made of elements, gems, and metals might be somewhat rarity locked. At standard rarity, your Cloakat is allowed to have a simple hoodie-type cloak, on any higher rarity, you're welcome to change its cloak shape to just about anything you please within reason and rarity. This hoodie by default can be heavily altered and decorated as you please so long as it looks like a hoodie in the end!

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.

Remove this trait is these traits are applied:
- Poncho Cloak
- Leotard Cloak
- Undefined Cloak
- Undercloak


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