
Mosaic Claw Texture

Mosaic Claw Texture (Rare)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

Angular cut claws that look like that of a mosaic mural. This can be any general-randomized amount of mosaic surfaces on the claw.
Can be multiple colors by default. It is technically glass/crystal ice-like in appearance, but is not elemental unless wanted. This is different from "Jagged Cut Claws" trait, as this one has many colors by default and does not need the "multicolored claw" trait to work. Jagged-Cut Claws are also a very specific shape and is marrow by default instead of glass/crystal/ice.


Washi (Rare)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

The arms are flatter in appearance. They will still have thickness to them but are noticeably very flat compared to their usual more tube or thick appearance. (Not compatible with Claw Trait: BLUNTED)

Demonic Arms

Demonic Arms (Rare)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

The arms look more like bat/dragon wings in appearance and technically replace the arm. The claws of the hand are still required but seem much longer in appearance usually. These can be mixed and matched with the Angelic counterpart but not with regular arms. Due to the nature of this arm type, sleeves aren't TECHNICALLY needed.

Flat Tail

Flat Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

The tail appears to be flat in some capacity generally vertically, sometimes horizontally as well. This can be used to make an aquatic-looking Cloakat.

Bush Tail

Bush Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has an incredibly long tube/cylinder-like tail that’s tipped with a blunted tuft of hair. (A little like Pokémon nickit’s tail tip) Note: This is not the same as the Rapunzel tail trait. Rapunzel is a length-affecting trait while this one has a distinct visual shape and is naturally incredibly long. 

Nub Tail

Nub Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

A small tail with a general "water drop" shape to it. It's like the standard tail if it was smooshed against the Cloakat instead of being very long. This tail is not to be confused with a tiny bunny tail as it is still very fat/fluffy in size. Secondary image is Nub + Chilla's Tail.

Jagged Tail

Jagged Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

A tail that looks jagged or kinked-up in appearance, as if the Cloakat's tail had grown wrong or suffered an injury. Some Cloakat may also have this tail if they are highly interested in Distortion Cats. (Another species in the Cloakat universe)

Sleeveless Cloak

Sleeveless Cloak (Rare)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has no sleeves altogether, their cloak is attached by the torso, but also makes them more vulnerable to attacks. (Hood still required)

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.

Croptop Cloak

Croptop Cloak (Rare)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakats cloak is of a crop top typing. The stomach under the cloak being exposed can be dangerous for the Cloakat, so they rarely form cloaks in this manner.

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.


Overcloak (Rare)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

A cloak type that appears to be an overcoat with some sort of undershirt to it. This can be like suits with button ups, coats over shirts, and general layered clothes. Just be sure to ask if you are unsure! Overcloak cannot be combined with anything that appears to allow the Cloakat to look "naked" outside its Overcloak (like undefined Cloakat, or undershirts the same color as their flesh/fur) Overcloak covers basically anything that looks coat-like, has buttons, or can open and close as a garment of cloths in appearance. This just can't show the Cloakats skin underneath.

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.

Inspired by our community member Ink, who has many Cloakats with cloaks of similar typings to this!

Insect Wings

Insect Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that resemble that of an insect's wings. Any kind of insect wing is fine.

Aquatic Wings

Aquatic Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that are aquatic-like in quality. Can be like a manta ray or otherwise fishy-like look.

Skeletal Wings

Skeletal Wings (Rare)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has wings that are a skeletal frame of a set of wings. Can be any wing shape within reason. Not compatible with Aquatic Wings, Angelic Ears (Since Batty Ears would look the same as a skeletal frame), Tailwind, and Odd Wings.

Very Short Height (XS)

Very Short Height (XS) (Rare)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

1'6"-1'11"ft | ~46-58cm

Rare Power Limit - Up to 3 Total Powers (Rare)

Category: Power Limits
Species: Cloakat

General Power Info:
• Standard rarity Cloakats are limited to 1 power total. It is the flight Power by default. (Add this power in your submission form)
• Common rarity Cloakats are limited to 2 power total.
• Uncommon AND Rare rarity Cloakats are limited to 3 power total.
• Epic AND Legendary rarity Cloakats are limited to 5 power total.
• Mythic rarity Cloakats are limited to 5 power total.

Why are some rarities the same amount of powers?
• It's strictly just to show clarity on how many powers each rarity can have overall. While some rarities share the same amount of power limits, it's just clearer to state each rarity's limitations just in case.

How to 'use' Power Limits and selecting powers for your Cloakat:
• To obtain more than the amount of powers your Cloakat is limited to, you need two things: a rarity potion for the amount of power limitation you want it to be upped to, and a power food to give your bat the appropriate power(s) you're looking for. If you have already capped the max amount of powers you can use, you can replace the power by using a TRAIT EXTRACTION potion, as well as the power food for the new power you're wanting to acquire. (Or a rarity potion for the new power added, foods are just easier to acquire!)

Background Info on Powers and rules:
• Cloakats aren't REQUIRED to have a power of any sort, however, by default they always have the flight trait unless they have stunted arms or other "deformities" according to their normal traits.
• The Cloakats Powers HAVE to make sense according to the Cloakats design in some way. Please leave notes on explanation or if you have a certain power in mind.
• Cloakats live in a world built for battle, although they keep themselves generally away from this, they often have powers for battle or generally useful purposes in their community.
• If power is being chosen by a client for their Cloakat, It HAS to make some sort of sense in relation to the Bat. I.E: A Cloakat themed around the sea/ocean generally shouldn't have FIRE powers.
• Please only choose powers that make sense, you don't HAVE to choose as many powers as possible for your rarity of Cloakat's limit of powers. These are limits, not mandatory. Powers that don't make sense or without explanation might be rejected to prevent "god-modding".
• Rarity of Cloakat indicates the limited number of powers they can have at one given time. This limit is put in place to prevent potential "god-modding"
• Cloakats Cannot Transform,
• Cloakats Cannot Shapeshift,
• Cloakats Cannot Multiply or clone themselves, even if fake/mirages.
• Cloakats Cannot have powers that change their size.

Earth Based Elemental Powers (Rare)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can move and summon minerals nearby. This can include rock, dirt, sand (other grain-like things), and other otherwise earthy or earth-made substances. (Not gems/crystals). The Cloakat can summon platforms of ground to stand on, form walls as shields, and can also separate earth with good accuracy for gardening purposes. it is said that earth-wielding Cloakats have a proficiency in gardening, and when combined with a Nature power or Nature Cloakat's help, they can make gardens seemingly spring before your eyes. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Metal Based Elemental Powers (Rare)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can control, gather and conduct metal-based minerals. They can call all of one or multiple metals, or combine metals to make new or different metals. They can use this to also form things like temporary armor or claw caps as well. Metal power-wielding Cloakats can use their energy to form metal weapons from the minerals around them as well, so one could hypothetically cast a metal sword if given the right environment. They also have a proficiency in metal works and can easily casy nice weapons for use. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Venomous Powers (Rare)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

Some Cloakats might have fangs that can inject venom, although a bit uncommon, it's not entirely unheard of. Generally, the Cloakats interests, theme, or design might help influence or make sense if they carry this defense. Note: Only Cloakat with fang-like teeth can do this.

Poisonous Powers (Rare)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

Some Cloakats can sometimes have poisonous skin. This generally comes with those related to amphibious interests, slime skin, etc. They can control the potency from 0 to lethal in dose if needed.

Sound Based Powers (Rare)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat possesses the ability to control sound waves, frequency, and sound pressure. They can use this to alter their voice and mimic others and sounds. They can also manipulate sounds so they can make a door sound like rubber, or make another creature sounds like a different one. The Cloakat possessing this power often have a love for music and will turn their vocals into full-on music. They have a natural talent for creating sound effects and music. Even though they have such amazing power, however, they can sometimes lose their voice a bit if not fully for a while if they strain their powers too much. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

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