
Object Tail

Object Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

The tail seems to fully represent a foreign object while generally sticking to a Cloakats tail shapes previously noted. (I.E saxophone, a stack of fries, a bale of hay, etc.) You can make items attached on the tail or items on/over/engulfing the tail (like a seashell!) OR you can replace the tail entirely with an object (within reason). The object in question has to be large and visible from most angles.
Note: Some items might need an overarching trait stacked with it to be acceptable (like elements or foods as a tail)

Tail Maw

Tail Maw (Legendary)

Category: Tail
Species: Cloakat

The tail can split open with that sort of skin-snapping animation or clean/seamlessly open animation to reveal rows of teeth almost like a Venus flytrap. (Teeth can be any kind that the Cloakat's mouth has).

No Hood

No Hood (Legendary)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat lacks a hood altogether.

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.

Ivory Zipper

Ivory Zipper (Legendary)

Category: Cloak
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakats cloak has a zipper on its cloak that resembles a set of zigzag teeth. (cannot open) Places this zipper can be: on the underside brim of a croptop, poncho, dress, overcoat, trenchcoat, or poncho. The underside or inside of the cloak can also resemble a mouth (without a tongue) if the artist so wishes. The teeth-like zipper can also be on the center front of the cloak as well, but cannot open.

Clothing or accessories are not allowed to be made to appear or look very sexual in nature or could be confused as a fetish. Please keep it PG.


Multi-Winged (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has up to 2 sets tops of wings on its body. Can be any wing previously mentioned so long as they match/are symmetrical in some way. 

This trait cannot be stacked.

Angelic Ears

Angelic Ears (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

Angelic fluffy wing-ears. These wings tend to relax in a closed position that covers where a set of eyes would be on the Bat. This is ONE set of wings but can be stacked with "Multi-Winged" to have 1-3 sets of wings. This is exclusive to being only feathered wings.


Tailwind (Legendary)

Category: Wings
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's tail is replaced with a single wing the same size as the tail usually is. This wing's size will be dictated by the tails section of (Standard, Nub, Cropped, and Rapunzel) to change its size. This Trait can be combined with other wing shapes if the person so pleases to change it. The wing tail is very large by default. Not compatible with retractable wings. Not compatible with Multi Wing/Seraphim.

Trait Idea by User Kags

Very Tall Height (XL)

Very Tall Height (XL) (Legendary)

Category: Height
Species: Cloakat

3'6"-4'5"ft | ~107-135cm

Legendary Power Limit - Up to 4 Total Powers (Legendary)

Category: Power Limits
Species: Cloakat

General Power Info:
• Standard rarity Cloakats are limited to 1 power total. It is the flight Power by default. (Add this power in your submission form)
• Common rarity Cloakats are limited to 2 power total.
• Uncommon AND Rare rarity Cloakats are limited to 3 power total.
• Epic AND Legendary rarity Cloakats are limited to 5 power total.
• Mythic rarity Cloakats are limited to 5 power total.

Why are some rarities the same amount of powers?
• It's strictly just to show clarity on how many powers each rarity can have overall. While some rarities share the same amount of power limits, it's just clearer to state each rarity's limitations just in case.

How to 'use' Power Limits and selecting powers for your Cloakat:
• To obtain more than the amount of powers your Cloakat is limited to, you need two things: a rarity potion for the amount of power limitation you want it to be upped to, and a power food to give your bat the appropriate power(s) you're looking for. If you have already capped the max amount of powers you can use, you can replace the power by using a TRAIT EXTRACTION potion, as well as the power food for the new power you're wanting to acquire. (Or a rarity potion for the new power added, foods are just easier to acquire!)

Background Info on Powers and rules:
• Cloakats aren't REQUIRED to have a power of any sort, however, by default they always have the flight trait unless they have stunted arms or other "deformities" according to their normal traits.
• The Cloakats Powers HAVE to make sense according to the Cloakats design in some way. Please leave notes on explanation or if you have a certain power in mind.
• Cloakats live in a world built for battle, although they keep themselves generally away from this, they often have powers for battle or generally useful purposes in their community.
• If power is being chosen by a client for their Cloakat, It HAS to make some sort of sense in relation to the Bat. I.E: A Cloakat themed around the sea/ocean generally shouldn't have FIRE powers.
• Please only choose powers that make sense, you don't HAVE to choose as many powers as possible for your rarity of Cloakat's limit of powers. These are limits, not mandatory. Powers that don't make sense or without explanation might be rejected to prevent "god-modding".
• Rarity of Cloakat indicates the limited number of powers they can have at one given time. This limit is put in place to prevent potential "god-modding"
• Cloakats Cannot Transform,
• Cloakats Cannot Shapeshift,
• Cloakats Cannot Multiply or clone themselves, even if fake/mirages.
• Cloakats Cannot have powers that change their size.

Crystal Based Elemental Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat can control, gather and summon gem-based minerals. They can call all of one or multiple gem spires, or launch shards of gems. They can cast energy into crystals as well, so if a cloakat agrees to give some of its power of a certain element, the Cloakat can form a small elemental shard to cast a low-level elemental attack on its enemies. A Cloakat can use an elemental shard to cast fire, water, and nature-based weak attacks on others, or if they also wield "Magick Based" powers, they can also cast elemental shards of wind, electricity, ice, earth, and metal-based powers as well at a slightly stronger level. Some Cloakats form crystal powers around their interest for their currency (Gratitude Shards), but a natural forming shard and a Cloakat-formed shard can be told apart by a keen eye or if looked at with a refractometer (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Light Based Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat possesses light-related powers. These can be from casting and light to using light to transport just itself (it can move at "light speed" when needed, it cannot move through shadows or use the light speed powers during the night) (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Shadow Based Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

 The Cloakat can create and manipulate shadows as a physical being. it can pull its own shadow from the floor and make it mimic its own motions or do what it does. The more the locations lack light, the more strong the manipulated shadows can do, or the more things the Cloakat can do in the shadows. Like their light counterpart, shadow-based powers can travel incredibly fast by melding into shadow and transporting through shadow to another location. A Cloakat can only use this power if enough light is absent or if they move under many things shadows in the daylight. If there is a break in the shadows, the Cloakat reverts to normal speed until back in the shadows. (This power can do other things as well, be creative with your thoughts, but don't "god mod" the powers, please!)

Invisibility Powers (Legendary)

Category: Powers
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has the ability to go partially or fully invisible for brief periods of time. Many Cloakat's who DO possess this very rare power often are malicious or are tricksters. Note that sometimes this power has flaws, sometimes having either small periods of time before the power can be used again or some sort of effect on the invisible body, like a distorted area where the body would be standing. In more funny instances, some Cloakat's external clothes might not go invisible with them, or their innards like their smiles/mouths still might show. All Cloakat's experience with this power is varied and unique but never overpowered.

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