
Pet Parts

Pet Parts (Epic)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has other parts on its body like fins, gills, dewlaps, waddles, etc., that generally belong to other animals so long as it holds up the integrity of what makes a Cloakat, a Cloakat still. Note: This is for PARTS of animals, this cannot be used to replace things like the mouth, ears, arms, changing the feet type, etc. These are essentially accents to the body. You cannot use this to put entire animal heads onto the body in a parasitic fashion etc. (webbed claws/feet are fine!) This also includes cloaks that have animal-like parts on them that are separate from the cloak trait "talking-hood". (Like fins on hood sides, sharkfins on the back of the cloak, etc. If tentacles are added, they CANNOT be added for sexual purposes. Parts from this section that act as extra appendages (like tentacles) can be retractable as part of this trait's quirks.

Floating Limbs

Floating Limbs (Epic)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

The limbs of the Cloakat can float off/around its body at generally any attachment/detached point within reason.
Please keep the limbs you choose to make float a reasonable distance from the Cloakat, and do not remove so much of its body between the floating point that you can't tell what's missing from the body anymore. (keep them anatomically in line)

Floating Wings idea credited to LimeGhosty.
Separating floating limbs to its own trait from a preexisting trait is credited to TornPages.

Levitating Objects

Levitating Objects (Epic)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

Props that seem to follow the Cloakat around, whether that be inanimate props of most kinds or otherwise non-attached fascinators of the Cloakat. Try to limit the floating parts to about maybe 10 pieces if the object in question is big or very prominent in the design. A good way to visualize what's good for this trait is to think in a sense that the Cloakat has a bit of a telekinesis effect around it, as household objects/items may float around them. (This is different from the particles trait as this is generally floating objects rather than small particles/dust)

Elemental Parts and Textures

Elemental Parts and Textures (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

Parts that resemble a certain element or emit said element from them. EX: Fire, Ice, Water, Earth, Plant, Etc. This also includes Cloaks/Clothes that visually look elemental.  Stagnant elemental patterns on the clothes and cloak are fine so long as its not animated. This also covers Cloaks that are armor-like in appearance. (gold, silver, metals in general)

Ghost Skin

Ghost Skin (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

Ghost-like skin (partially or fully see-through to a point) or is made of ectoplasm. The Opacity of the Cloakat and where this solid and more transparent skin's look starts and ends is up to you. This affects the tail fur type if wanted/needed. Ghost is naturally a trait that glows if wanted. The Cloakat can go through objects as well. Cloakats with this trait can't use this to mimic other traits.

Glitchy Parts and Textures

Glitchy Parts and Textures (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat's body/skin, or parts seem to glitch or pixelize here and there in different ways. This can be from error code or twitching bits. This cannot be used to look like other traits when shifting parts of the Cloakat. The skin can be compared to TV static and has the ability to digitally distort with a particle effect or can have RGB/CYMK outlines and can move/distort. Cloakats with this skin trait need electric powers by default. This is generally for webcore/liminal designs and can be paired with Mech N' Tech to make glitchy facial interfaces, on its own, it generally won't alter the Cloakat's facial expressions etc.

Animated Fur

Animated Fur (Epic)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has fur that can animate in one way or another. This generally means that spatial textures can swirl around, or be paired with Mech N' Tech and allow the Cloakat to have an animated interface, Can also allow symbols or tattoos to lightly shift, etc. Can also be used to make 2-3 frame animated skin as if the Cloakat is in a cartoon like Ed Edd N' Eddy etc. (Cannot be used to make an alternate palette, just subtle shifts and changes aesthetically related to the Cloakat)

Not compatible with:
- Alt Palette if used to change the patterns. floating/flowing/pulsing patterns that DONT change is fine.
- Blacktop
- False eye markings
- Masked

Trait Idea by User Ferret-Specialist and then Expanded upon by User NovaisColddd


Angelic (Epic)

Category: Head
Species: Cloakat

A biblically accurate halo or the cartoon ring halo of your choice. These halos can be scary, pretty, or with many eyes/spikes/crowns of thorns if you wish. (The max quantity of halo is ONE for the head) You cannot make false halos with the use of things like accessories, outfits, hoods, or clothes to look like halos. (etc.) 

This trait cannot be stacked.


False Eye Marking

False Eye Marking (Epic)

Category: Head
Species: Cloakat

Fur markings on the Cloakat that appear to look vaguely like eye markings. This can be from markings that are glad, sad, or X markings, but cannot be circles/ovals or things that look TOO much like ACTUAL eyes. These markings cannot be animated under any circumstances. Usually, markings like uwu ^_^ -_- or x_x are most common. Slanted lines are fine as well. When making false eye markings, note that these are blended into the fur and should not have line art around the markings to show that it is just fur. Not compatible with Animated Fur.

The Masked trait needs this trait to have eyes on the mask. (masked trait can also use seers gaze for floating eyes over mask as well)

Hollow Ears

Hollow Ears (Epic)

Category: Head
Species: Cloakat

An ear type that looks like the "frame and ribs" of the ears by default. Can be any ear type with this "hollow frame effect" applied to it.

Foo Dog's Teeth

Foo Dog's Teeth (Epic)

Category: Teeth
Species: Cloakat

A set of teeth where the vampire fangs and matching canines of the bottom of the Cloakat's jaw protrude a few inches out of their mouth. These teeth are generally curled in visuals. The teeth that arent longer are naturally more boxy in shape, but you can use sharp teeth in combo with this to make them sharp teeth.

External Set

External Set (Epic)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The teeth seem to be attached directly to the skin as if not having lips at all. Refer to Cloakt #059 for an example of this. Needs to be paired with a teeth shape from this category. Not compatible with devils mouth, mandibles, or lamprey.

Vertical Mouth

Vertical Mouth (Epic)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The mouth of the Cloakat is vertical instead of horizontal as it normally is. This is restricted to the front of the Cloakats face.

Inky Mouth

Inky Mouth (Epic)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has a sort of "strung together" mouth that looks like its torn seams or a viscus fluid pulling apart. Generally, the mouth cannot open in a full sense due to this.

Barbed Tongue

Barbed Tongue (Epic)

Category: Tongue
Species: Cloakat

A tongue that looks like its covered in thorns like a rose stem.

Serrated Tongue

Serrated Tongue (Epic)

Category: Tongue
Species: Cloakat

A slightly longer tongue than usual that has a serrated texture to it. The serrated texture can be depicted similar to that of which is present in the example of this trait. Other serrated patterns may be accepted as well.
This is different from burs on tongue and barbed tongue.

Claw Caps Shape

Claw Caps Shape (Epic)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

A set of claws that seem to be external caps over the claws. While the skin of a Cloakat does fill the inside with these covers, these caps ARE the nails. These nails seem to be rather resilient, despite being thinner as a whole.

Talon Claw Shape

Talon Claw Shape (Epic)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

 Instead of the usually conal shape of claws Cloakats have, they now have more bird-talon-like claws. These are thinner and flatter in size, curve more, and the bottoms of the talons are flat like those of a predatory bird. This also affects the finger shape a bit to look more bird-like in appearance. These claws also add a talon foot scale-like texture to the arm as well. This cannot be combined with part of arm/beans/talons to make cat paws as it changes the anatomy of their claw arms too much when combined together.

Rounded Claw Shape

Rounded Claw Shape (Epic)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

The Claws are more rounded, much like the shape of gumdrops.


Beans (Epic)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

Beans (Rare) Paw Pads or "Beans" on the hands and/or feet. The TYPE of paw pads applied to the cloakat don't HAVE to be just cat/dog-like, you can make the paw pads of other animals too, or you can go the fun route and make them fun shapes like stars/hearts, etc. Beans HAVE to be on the skin of the Cloakat, they cannot overlap the Cloakats Claws or be ON the claws. (The hands or feet cannot be anatomically changed to fully resemble cat paws or be digitigrade/feral in appearance.)

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