
Odd Eyes

Odd Eyes (Legendary)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has eyes on somewhere on their body that is not the head, ears, mouth, or inappropriate location. (Note: It is a species rule that eyes cannot be on the head) The eye amount is up to you so long as you keep eyes off the whole head area of the bat, anywhere else on the body is fine within reason. Eyes can open and shut, look around, or shut in a way that it appears they aren't visibly there unless open, it is up to you how they look and what patterns or colors they are in. You can also put eyes on the clothes/cloak of the Cloakat so long as it doesn't look like the face has eyes due to it.

Insect Parts

Insect Parts (Legendary)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

Insect accents that can be added to the body. Note that this does not mean you can completely change a Cloakat's body parts for that of an insect. Please try to keep the integrity of that makes a Cloakat, a Cloakat when adding the insect parts as these are additional accents to the body, not replacing arms for insect arms, etc. Cannot be used to make extra arms/legs/tails, or longer body/neck.

This can include but is not limited to: (Ask about other parts)
- external pedipalps
- antennae
- feelers
- sensory hairs
- external mandibles (Cannot be used to mimic the actual mandibles trait)
- webs on parts of body

Insect parts that can be used in combo with other traits:
- antennae can make moth antennae etc
- horned trait can make beetle horns

Some parts that already exist as traits:
- insect abdomen for tail
- insect wings
- mandibles (insect mouth-like)

Prehensile Tendrils

Prehensile Tendrils (Legendary)

Category: Body
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports some tendrils that it uses to help aid it in everyday life or for battle.  By default, these are "blank tentacles", but can be combined with other traits like elemental to make them elemental tendrils like vines, fire, rock, etc., pet parts to make literal octopus tentacles, inanimate parts, festival fascinators, or other traits within reason.

Max amount of tentacles present is 6.

For fully squid or octopus-like aesthetics, the Cloakat can have 8 (octopus) or 10 (squid) in this case, otherwise 4 is the max.

Crystal Parts

Crystal Parts (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

Gem, geode, or crystal-like parts. can be opaque, see-through smooth, rough, etc. You need this trait to make things like the claws or teeth to look more transparent, this or the slime trait. This also includes Cloaks/Clothes that visually look at least 20% or more like crystal in design.

Mech N' Tech

Mech N' Tech (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

Any or all parts of the Cloakat can be tech or mech-like. From "clear craze" to robot/android. Rules: Any parts made to be mech-like have to somehow abide by the rules of each body/power traits section. The face's interface can emote/emoticon, and display messages/images but still has to abide by facial/mouth traits. (This means no eyes! Animated fur is needed for an animated visor.)


Ecto-Bone (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

Bone structure surrounded by Ectoplasm. Different from "ghost" because the ghost trait doesn't show the bones like this trait does while this traits texture is also very different.


Chimerism (Legendary)

Category: Skin/Fur
Species: Cloakat

A Cloakat that has a palette that is split down the middle where both sides could be vastly different, or subtly. The Cloakat can sometimes have 1-3 total traits different on each side if wished, however, this is not compatible with hivemind/alt palette.

Left side can be white with strips
Right side can be black with spots

Example 2:
Left side can be white with halo trait, feathered wings, and feathered fur
Right side can be black with horned trait, scaled skin, and bat wings

So each side can be as different as you want them to be, but the difference in traits (if you want each side to have different traits) can be UP TO 3 traits per each side.
You can also use this just to have a chimera split of fur color as splitting up traits on each side is not manditory, just a nice option.

Credit to Nova for this trait Idea.

Multiple Ears

Multiple Ears (Legendary)

Category: Head
Species: Cloakat

The Bat has 2-3 sets of ears on its head instead of 1 set of ears. The ear sets all have to match/be the same ear type. Size is allowed to vary. Each ear can be pierced or scarred/scratched differently. 

This trait cannot be stacked.


Masked (Legendary)

Category: Head
Species: Cloakat

Usually a permanent fixture to the Cloakat. Can be just about any mask type. Rumors say that these masks are made of marrow. These masks can move and animate as if it is the Cloakat's own face. They CANNOT have functioning eyes. They CAN have a functioning mouth. The mask always seems to be on the Cloakat's person. These masks CANNOT have fursuit "Follow Me" eyes but can have "false eye markings" dependently with this trait. Additionally, Masks can have eyeholes through the mask to the Cloakats skin below if wanted. Not compatible with seers gaze OVER this trait or animated fur trait to mimic moving eyes.

Nubby Bite

Nubby Bite (Legendary)

Category: Teeth
Species: Cloakat

All teeth are square-shaped or round-ended teeth. Much like those on cartoon characters.


Silence (Legendary)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat lacks a visible mouth altogether.

Venus Snap

Venus Snap (Legendary)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The cloakat has teeth similar to jagged-jaw, however, this is more so in a venus flytrap-like appearance. Doesn't require a teeth type.


Mandibles (Legendary)

Category: Mouth
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports an insectoid-like mouth that seemingly looks normal at first in most cases. The teeth type is flexible but doesn't support pedipalps without pet parts added. The shape of the mouth is finite and not changeable, ONLY the teeth type is changeable.

Double Tongue

Double Tongue (Legendary)

Category: Tongue
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat has 2 total tongues of any mix in rarity at or lower the level of the Cloakats overall rarity. 

This trait cannot be stacked.

Long Tongue

Long Tongue (Legendary)

Category: Tongue
Species: Cloakat

A tongue that is 2-3x the average length of a Cloakats usual tongue when stuck out of the mouth. Different from Croaking Tongue as that one has an average tongue length.
Not compatible with croaking tongue or double tongue.

Part of Arm

Part of Arm (Legendary)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

The claws visually look like they are merged with the arm. For example, you have a boba arm, the boba glass also forms claw shapes without being a separate capsule. Another example is if the arm is made of wood and the claws are also the same knot-wood texture. This cannot be combined with part of arm/beans/talons to make cat paws as it changes the anatomy of their claw arms too much when combined together.

Odd Claw Shape

Odd Claw Shape (Legendary)

Category: Claws
Species: Cloakat

The claws of the Cloakat are a non-traditional shape while still withholding the integrity of the claws guidelines. This can mean they could be thorned, star-shaped, jagged, etc. so long as it's still definitely a Cloakat. Can be combined with inanimate parts (an overarching trait) to make very peculiar claws if wanted. Cannot be used to make flat/paper-like claws as this might mimic another species.

Insatiable Sleeve

Insatiable Sleeve (Legendary)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

The Claws are always partially hidden in the sleeve. They always appear to look like claws under the sleeve but seem to yield mouths with teeth in them if fought against or shown inside of them. A claw type is required for this trait. This is a sleeve that has a mouth inside. Please note that even regular cloaks can also have sleeves that are droopy as well, however, this trait specifically gives it a mouth-like inside to the sleeve where the claws are more positioned to look a little more like teeth and the sleeves are hollow instead of "filled" with the arm beneath the sleeve.

Credit to Tornpages for this trait's rename.

Stunted Sleeve

Stunted Sleeve (Legendary)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

Arms that are shorter than usual. Usually, when viewed, they are more lined up with the length that of humans and can go to about the waist or knee area. As a reminder, a normal Cloakat arms CANNOT be humanly proportional without this trait being added to your Cloakat as the arms are incredibly long normally. (This trait can stunt their ability to fly)

Cape Arms

Cape Arms (Legendary)

Category: Arms
Species: Cloakat

The Cloakat sports arms that are connected like a cape at the back of the Cloakat. Can also be used to make webbed arms like a sugar glider or flying squirrel. This also affected the Cloakat's ability to fly, making it better than usual.

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